Memories - "One Night Stand"

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Notes: This chaper contains of Namjin only. It is VERY LONG. The longest chapter I've posted yet. Please bare with me, as I am by no means a "Smut" writer! Oh Lord I needed Hobi water after this. Lol, please Enjoy!


Warning: This chapter contains Mature Adult content that may not be suitable for some readers. Please approach with extreme caution advised!

Jin sat at the run-down bar feeling somber and alone. The hole in the wall dive was the first thing he found after wandering around the streets for hours.

He didn't know how long he had been sitting there, but the bar stool was making his ass go numb. His phone had kept going off with messages of concern and pity. But he didn't want their pity, he wanted their support.

He stirred his drink with the tiny straw while feeling betrayed and hurt. No one understood the pain that his heart was going through. "No one!" He said aloud to himself.

"I do! I understand!"

Jin felt a soft squeeze on his shoulder as he turned to his right and saw one of the men responsible for his heartache. The very last person he wanted to see, well, after Sehun of course, was Kim Namjoon. Jin never wants to see this man again, especially after what happened in his cafe tonight. He felt humiliated.

"What the hell do you want? Come to laugh at my expense? Is it fun to see your new employee feeling miserable, knowing you were the cause of it? What the fuck are you even doing here?"

There he goes again, cussing up a storm. Jin knew it was way out of character for him. But he couldn't help it, this guy just seemed to unleash all his locked-up emotions. Why was this man continuing to piss him off?

Joon sighed as he took an uninvited seat next to the already buzzed chef.

"I don't know how else to say sorry and tell you that none of this was my intention. I guess if you let me make it up to you, I'd like to at least buy you a drink." He looked down at the ½ empty glass Jin was playing around with. He glanced down at the other 3 that were now empty and upside down. Wow, he definitely had a good head start, before Joon himself stumbled upon the small watering hole. He also had a rough night and was trying to make an escape from the real world. But he definitely wasn't expecting to see his new crush here, if you can even call it that.

"I promise, I'm not the bad guy you think I am. Please, let me at least buy you a shot!"

"Well, then since you insist on forcing yourself into my life, what do you suggest? I'm not really familiar with different kinds of cocktails or booze. I just ordered what was on the happy hour special" He looked down at his bottom shelf well drink.

"You own a cafe and make different beverages all the time and you're telling me you don't drink?" Namjoon snapped his fingers at the bartender to signal him and let him know he was ready.

Jin looked up irritated, he hated it when people would do that to him. He was in customer service after all, so he always dealt with rude customers and people feeling like they were entitled by snapping their fingers at him.

"I do, but not very often."

"Hmm...that's interesting."

"What is?"

"Nothing really. I just assumed that somebody with your confidence and poise, you would know how to throw down!" He orders both of them a top shelf scotch while bowing politely and tipping the bartender generously.

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