"Coffee Pitch With A Summer Blend"

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Jin exited the meeting room and quickly rushed downstairs before he was supposed to meet Yoongi and Joon in the 'Blue Flower' CEO's office.

He was too embarrassed to look Joon in the face and too remorseful to look at Sehun's. His friends on the other hand, from what he could gather from their behavior and attitude earlier, were starting to suspect something, so he tried to avoid all of it, all of them altogether, at the same time, whatever the cost.

After reaching his cafe, he let his part-timer run to the restroom quickly as he grabbed his favorite notebook and lucky pen. Tae and Jimin had both gifted him the beautiful pink pen last year for his birthday, so he never went anywhere without it. It gave him peace when he was flustered, kept him calm when he was irritated, and sane when he felt like he was going to lose it. Just something about having the small gift with him made him feel comfortable.

After ringing up two customers and making three coffees for the meeting, he headed back towards the elevator with a mind full of ease and a little more confidence.

He was about to knock on the door when he heard two voices inside begin to speak, and it had nothing to do with the meeting they had this morning.

"What happened to you the other night? You were supposed to meet me after that disastrous engagement meeting, next thing I know, you're messaging me 12 hours later that you needed the day off and that your new chef was home, sick in bed."

Jin couldn't see his face or demeanor, but he can imagine the shy, dimpled man chuckling. What would he tell him? Is he gonna lose his Cafe or get the co-owner fired?

"So...how did it go?" He heard Yoongi continue. He was impatiently waiting for an answer. "Were you able to finally put that bitch in her place, make your family see how miserable she makes you feel?"

Jin heard Namjoon scoff with what sounded like pure hatred and irritation.

"Fuck no! They wouldn't listen to me at all! They just laughed and acted as if I wasn't there! My mom said something about real love not needing to be involved, then they turned the "supper" conversation back to the importance of the merger again. Apparently, a partnership between our two families is more important than their own son's happiness."

"So, they know she cheated on you? And they didn't do anything about it? Nothing?"

"Oh, they know all right hyung. They even had the nerve to tell me to step up my game and laugh it off as some sort of joke. She said, and I quote, 'I guess you'll have to do better in bed to satisfy her needs, to keep her faithful to you son, you're gonna have to try harder.'"

"Omg, Joon, no fucking way!"

"Welcome to the life of the rich, hyung! Not everyone gets to be as lucky and as hardworking as you. Some of us are born with this tragedy and have no choice."

Jin and Yoongi instantly thought of Jimin. Although both were not facing each other, or in the same room, they knew the hardships the pretty boy had to go through with his own insane, controlling mother.

"And the company? Are they going to let you stay here?"

"I don't know, Yoongi, they seem to think this is child's play. That when the arranged marriage is complete, I will finally come to my senses and take over the family's business. But I promise you hyung, I have no intention of giving this up. Not after what we went through to get to where we are. The both of us went through a lot of hardships and hurdles these past 5 years. I can't let some hoe, some skank take that away from me, from us!"

"That's the attitude I'm looking for! You're always so kind, and smiling, looking after everyone else. Think of yourself for once, my friend. Whether you were born with a golden spoon or not, you are your own person. Show them that you deserve that kind of respect."

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