So Hard To Say Goodbye

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Today is our last day at the training center before we all go to our National Teams. We've just won La Copa de La Reina against Tenerife and we want to say proper goodbyes to the girls who are going to leave. Leila and Pere told us they were leaving last week Leila to City, Pere to Espanyol as they are official promoted. Then, Mel retired from the game but is going to be around the club still so it's not really a goodbye. Then, Jenni is still talking with the club, Lieke has officially renewed, and Ana told me she will choose soon.

            And by soon, I mean now. Ana asks Alexia and I to follow her near the pitch. She leans against the wall of the building, and I can see it's not okay.

"You're leaving, right?" I wonder clenching my jaw, so I won't cry.

"I'm sorry, Julie..." She looks down. "I don't want to let you down...."

"But you need to get away from the drama." I nod and walk to her. "I'll be okay. Be happy, Ana."

            I hug her and she breaks down in my arms. I try not to cry and manage to do so. Alexia joins the hug and gives a sweet speech to Ana. I look at them and smile but inside I'm breaking. Ana has been my rock ever since I've been in Barcelona. She is my roommate, my confident, the one who welcomed me...

"Where to?" I ask.

"Juventus..." Ana smiles. "It's closer to home."

"I understand." I nod.

"Let's go and announce this to the others." Alexia leads us inside.

            We gather everyone in the locker room, and I sit in a corner waiting for Ana to speak. I can see Alexia, Jenni, Mapi and Patri looking at me weirdly, but I stay in my head and look straight to Ana. She starts by thanking everyone and remembering great memories. Then, she explains she is not happy in here anymore, but she doesn't blame anyone. She tells them about Juventus and the entire team congratulate her.

            I take advantage of the huddle to leave the room and go to the only place that calms me. The field. I take a ball and go in front of a wall we use to train individually. I start with short passes but quickly end up smashing the ball hardly against the concrete.

"You should have cried back there." I hear Alexia behind me. "It's not good to bottle it all inside."

"She is leaving." I hit the ball. "And I don't blame her, I knew it was coming."

"So, what is it?" Alexia wonders.

"She is my roommate, Ale." I simply say. "I need her in my life, it's breaking me inside to see her leave."

"Tell her." Alexia states.

"She knows." I chuckle. "Trust me, she knows, that's why she hesitated so much."

"Why don't you let go then?"

"I have to be strong for her as she was for me." I hit the ball and it ends up in Alexia's feet.

"Stop it." She pushes the ball away and hugs me tightly. "You need to let go."

            I almost immediately break down in her arms as she is stroking my back gently. She whispers sweet words in my ear, and I hold on her as if my life depends on it.

"Go and give her the love she deserves." Alexia winks at me.

            I nod and we walk back to the locker room under the worried look of my teammates. I spot Ana right away and rush to her. She embraces me so warmly it makes me cry like a little child. All the girls leave the locker room to give us privacy.

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