Chapter 10-Fared Meeting 5/6 [NaruSasu]

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Disclaimer: Naruto does NOT belong to me. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. If Naruto belonged to me, Sasuke and Naruto would finally resolve their UST and do the nasty. Unfortunately, I don't.

Author's note: Thanks to all of your wonderful reviews! It is because of you that I get the energy to write more and update! Honestly, I've been under a bit of a writer's block with this one, and I've been busy with summer school. My SasUKE muse seemed to be absent for a while, but now he's back. xD Hopefully, I'll have time to update more. Well, here's chapter 4, everyone! I hope you like it, and I'm sorry for making you wait.

In this chapter, we'll see more of Itachi and some of his backstory with the Uchiha clan. SOME of it. 3 And don't worry, it will all be explained in due time. And Sasuke's geeky side hasn't shown up yet but it will...He's definitely not your normal geek. :P

Warning: OOC-ness, yaoi, NaruSasu, YonIta and extreme Itachi-OOC (since I actually have him and Sasuke have a close sibling relationship. And Itachi is just...weird xD)

Last time...
He turned and began to walk away when he heard a surprised "AH! It's YOU!"

He sighed and looked at Naruto, who was once again pointing his finger and looking at him with a pissed look on his face.

Chapter 4

'Does he point fingers at everyone?' Sasuke couldn't help but sigh in frustration when his attempts on walking away were thwarted, once again by the same person.

Tsunade was the first to recover from her surprise at Naruto's exclamation.

"Oh, you two know each other?"



Naruto scoffed at his answer, while he asked the floor to please swallow him when Naruto, Tsunade and Shikamaru turned to look at him. He hated being the center of attention.

"You bastard! How can you stand there and-"

Tsunade was rubbing her forehead. "So you don't know each other?"

"Know each other?! HAH! I was trying to be nice to this asshole but he just blew me off!"

They looked at him again. "Hn. I don't know what you're talking about. "


"Naruto, control yourself!"

"But baachan-!"

Naruto looked like he was about to blow a gasket and he couldn't help but be amused by it. His dobe really looked adorable and sexy, and he felt his face grow a little hot when Naruto continued to look at him, even if he did look pissed off.

Shikamaru walked closer to him. "Oi, Uchiha. What did you do to make Naruto this pissed off?"

He couldn't decide whether to smirk or just stand there with no expression on his face. He decided on pushing back his glasses and smirking. Just a little bit. "I don't even know him."

Naruto, of course, heard him. "You liar! I just met you this morning outside a few minutes ago when I offered to help and you blew me off, you bast-!"

"Uchiha Sasuke."

Naruto blinked at the sudden interruption. "What?"

"That's my name." He really couldn't help himself from baiting the short-tempered blonde. He told himself it was just to annoy him, not to hear him finally saying his name, even in anger. 'Rawr'

"Naruto, there you are!"

The moment was interrupted when Iruka entered the infirmary, looking out of breath.

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