Chapter 44-And All that Jazz 1/3 [NaruSasu]

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a/n: This story I actually thought of before my other one that's on here, the fic "Look Up As You Walk" And this chapter is shorter than my other fic's chapter XD. And this is really different than that one too XD.

I thought of this from listening to this song...

Kuchibiru Kara Romantica by AAA (Attack All Around)

I liked the Jazz-ness to it.

The rating might go up if I make it gorey, and like lemons and such. We'll see what happens. This pairing is NaruSasu, if you want any other pairings (yaoi or non) just tell me...but just know NaruSasu is the main pairing! Na duh!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto, just this story.

Chapter 1: Mission

"Naruto Uzumaki!" The response was snoring.

"UZUMAKI NARUTO!" The snoring had gotten louder. This person was about to throw the one named Naruto Uzumaki out the damn door if he didn't wake up.

"FUCKING NARUTO -GET UP!" Naruto shifted then slightly awakened from his five minute nap. When he opened his eyes he was met with eyes the color of jade and bubble gum pink hair. He closed his eyes again to block the image only to get punched in the shoulder, rather hard.

"Ow, that fucking hurt, Sakura!" He mumbled, but still didn't open his eyes. He reached for a pillow, or what he thought was pillow and placed it under his head, all while having his eyes closed.

"Naruto, if you don't get up! You know what, let me just tell you: Tsunade wants you, we have a new mission." Naruto groaned at such information. He just gotten back from Italy, stopping a mob boss with Gaara. That mission took about two months, because the damn boss was persistent and determined to tell everyone in Italy. How he got into that business? He had no idea how . He often wondered why he did. He was young, 23, he should be partying, having a blast, not killing bad guys. Of course every young agent was thinking that, so he believed, it was just a treacherous job sometimes.

"Why can't I sleep?" Naruto questioned, not entirely talking to Sakura. He hit his head on his "pillow", it was rather hard and flat, not soft at all. What the hell were they making pillows out of nowadays, CARDBOARD! He sat up quickly and glared at his "pillow" then first kind of dumb, because well it was his binder. He took a few seconds to realize that he gave Shikamaru his pillow and groaned as he looked up at Sakura. She was tapping her foot, impatiently.

"NARUTO! That's not what this business entails; she wants you in there in the next 30 seconds."

"It takes ten minutes to get to her office!" Naruto protested, now finally waking up.

"You better run." He took Sakura's advice and booked. He hated being late when it came to Tsunade, she may have huge boobs, but she was one tough boss, and you never wanted her to yell at you. Naruto ran further, and opened up the doors that headed upstairs. He didn't feel like waiting for the elevator, even though that would be the best choice because Tsunade's office was on the very highest floor.

When he got to the top, he practically busted through Tsunade's door, breathing uneven.

"Glad you could join us, Naruto." Tsunade said matter-of-factly. Naruto's gaze met hers and everyone else in the room. His eyes widened when he noticed...SAKURA! He pointed a finger at her and opened his mouth than closed it again.

"How did-"

"Elevator." She said and turned to Tsunade. Pst, the elevator was fast, not that fast. Sakura definitely had some kind of secret passage way to Tsunade's office. Naruto huffed and sat in his "chair". Everyone in this business had a specific chair, if someone were to sit in someone else's chair, lets just say they are no longer with us. Naruto looked around to see Sakura, Ino, Temari, Gaara, Neji, Shikamaru, Lee, Chouji, Kiba, and Ten Ten placed in their seats. He guessed that the older agents weren't in the mission, meaning Kakashi, Gai, Genma, or Iruka.

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