Chapter 26-Returned for you 2/15 [ObiKaka]

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The day seemed to fly by and before Kakashi knew it, he was heading back home, being escorted by Tenzou this time. He was honestly relieved because Guy was a bit of a handful and he had unfortunately drank too much so Asuma had to carry him home, which left Yamato and Kakashi. The silver haired male prefered the brunette more because he didn't talk as much or as loudly as Guy so the conversation was quite nice.

"Thanks for coming with those two, Ten..." Kakashi said softly as they reached the door. He looked over at his friend and smiled softly, only to earn a smile in return.

"I figured it was a good idea for me to come with them because if anything, Guy would annoy the crap out of you, like he already has." Tenzou replied with a slight chuckle. The brunette knew just how much Guy got on Kakashi's nerves, even though the two were rivals.

"If you hadn't, I definitely would have tried to kill Guy." Kakashi sighed a bit and unlocked the door to his house. Once it was unlocked, he turned toward his friend and hugged the brunette tightly. Tenzou was an alpha just like Guy and Asuma but out of all three, Kakashi felt the safest around Tenzou.

"I wouldn't put it past you to do something like that." The brunette replied as he hugged the shorter male back. Hugs from Kakashi were really rare but they were so nice when they happened. Once the two released each other, Kakashi stepped back and opened the door to his house.

"I'll see you later Ten. Get home safely." The silver haired male smiled through his mask and stepped inside his house. Tenzou waved a bit before he turned and hurried off, leaving Kakashi alone once again.

A small sigh escaped Kakashi's mouth as he shut and locked the door. Today hadn't been as bad as he was thinking it would be, even though Guy did end up wasted. It was still a pretty good birthday for once. Tenzou had even bought Kakashi the next book in his favorite series, which he couldn't wait to read.

The silver haired male thought for a minute before decided to take a quick shower, then he'd settle down in his bed and read his new book. He made his way to his small bathroom and shut the door behind himself. Once in the small room, he removed all of his clothes, including his mask. He then turned on the hot water and stepped into the shower. The hot water helped Kakashi's stiff muscles relax with ease. He let out a satisfied sigh as the hot water poured over his pale body and silver hair.

He didn't stay in the shower too long, just long enough to get his hair and body washed off. Within ten minutes, he was out and drying himself off. Once dry, he pulled on a pair of pants and hurried off to his room to do some reading.

After the male got into his room, he instantly flopped down on his bed and pulled out his new book. He didn't waste any time getting it opened. He had been dying to get this book and he was still really surprised that Tenzou actually bought it for him. Within minutes, Kakashi was already giggling like a little girl thanks to his book but after awhile, he started to grow lonely again. He sat himself up and bit down on his thumb hard enough to draw blood.

"Summoning Jutsu." He said quietly. A few seconds later, the lead dog in his ninja hound pack appeared on his floor. The pug looked up at the silver haired male in confusion.

"Hey Kakashi, what's up?" He asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Oh you know, the usual Pakkun. Nothing's really changed over the years since we lost Obito and Rin..." Kakashi sighed softly and looked at his friend with a saddened facial expression. Pakkun instantly jumped up on the bed and settled down beside Kakashi.

"Hey, I know things are tough right now but they'll get better. Maybe you should give Tenzou a chance. You two seem like you'd hit it off real well." Pakkun was really the only person who knew that Kakashi was a Beta and that it would only be a matter of time before he'd need to find a permanent Alpha.

"I can't do that... Yeah, Ten and I are really close but to me, he's more like a brother." Kakashi replied. He loved the brunette to death but it had never been sexual love, only brotherly love.

"Kakashi. You're going to need to find an Alpha sooner than you think. If you don't you're only going to suffer more and I don't want you to do that to yourself."

The male sighed and looked at the floor. He knew Pakkun was right but he still couldn't bring himself to find someone else to love. His heart still belonged to his dear friend, and nothing was ever going to change that. Before Kakashi could say anything else, a mysterious bird landed on his window, earning his and Pakkun's attention. He got up slowly and walked over to the bird, noticing that it had a note attached to its back.

"What on earth could this be...?" He asked softly as he slowly took the message from the creature. He opened the message slowly and started to read it.


Come to the Forest of Chakra as soon as possible. I've been longing to see you again and I can't wait any longer. Come alone as well. I don't want any interruptions. I can't wait to see you again.

The note ended there and Kakashi just stared down at the paper. The handwriting seemed familiar to him but he wasn't entirely sure where he had seen it before. He turned toward Pakkun. "Guess I'm going to the Forest of Chakra... It won't take me long to get there either. I should arrive within a couple hours." He said as he started getting himself dressed.

"Are you sure it's a good idea to go? It could be a trap so you shouldn't be running off to meet up with this anonymous person." Pakkun said in concern.

"I'm going... This handwriting, it seems so familiar and I really want to know who sent me this... I'll be fine." Kakashi replied as he finished getting dressed. "I'll summon you and the others if I need help Pakkun." He packed a small bag and put his new book in last. He was ready to take off.

"Just be careful, Kakashi. You better make sure you summon us." Pakum said before he poofed away, leaving Kakashi alone. He looked down at the note again before turning the light in his room off and hoping out the window to meet up with the mysterious write of the note.

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