Chapter 29-Returned for you 5/15 [Obikaka]

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Obito just stared at Kakashi with a slightly shocked expression. He was rather surprised that the silver haired male didn't notice it last night, even though it was dark. He just looked at the other before he finally started to chuckle, earning a growl from Kakashi.

"Come on now, Kakashi. Is that really a problem? You're not going to try and change your mind on me, are you? I'll just kidnap you and take you with me." The raven said in a teasing tone.

"Well, let me see. The only reason I was able to get away was because I told Tsunade I was going to investigate the Akatsuki! I have to send her regular reports or else she'll send someone after me, and now I find out that you're part of them! You're not going to drag me to their hideout are you!?" Kakashi asked as he stared at Obito. Since the sun was up, he was finally able to get a good view of Obito's face. The whole right side was covered in scars, which shouldn't be a surprise since that was the side that got crushed. Kakashi shook his head quickly and stood himself up.

"Come on now, Kakashi. I have no plans on taking you to the hideout and I have no plans on going back there right now. Can't we just go? You're already here with me and you know I'll drag you off if you try to run from me." Obito reached out and gently grabbed Kakashi's hand before he started running while pulling the other male with him.

"Obito! Hang on! Where are we going!?" Kakashi asked as he was pulled through the forest. He really should be resisting and trying to get back but something inside was telling him to trust his childhood friend and to go with him. He decided to trust that feeling for now, even if it might turn bad in the end.

After several hours of running, the two came to a stop in front of a rock wall. Obito released Kakashi's hand and started making hand signs. He then placed a hand on the wall and a small portion of it started to move outward and to the right, revealing a small pathway. Kakashi looked at his friend curiously.

"What is this place?" He asked.

"It's where I've been staying. Don't worry, there aren't any more members of the Akatsuki here." Obito replied as he walked inside. He motioned for Kakashi to follow him so that he could close the wall once they got inside. Kakashi followed Obito and waited while the other closed the wall. Once it was closed, Obito grabbed Kakashi's hand gently and pulled him down the dimly lit pathway.

Kakashi looked around as the two of them walked down the hallway. He had to admit he was feeling slightly uncomfortable with all of this but since Obito was with him, it made him feel a bit calmer about this whole situation. Soon, the two of them came to an open area that looked a lot like it could be a living room. There was a small sitting area and two doors that led to different places. Kakashi blinked in surprise before he looked at Obito.

"How long have you been staying here?" He asked curiously, earning a slight chuckle from the other male.

"Well, this is where Madara brought me when he saved my life. We stayed here for awhile but he soon moved the hideout to a different location and told me I could use this place as much as I wanted." Obito replied as he placed an arm around Kakashi's shoulder.

"So the Akatsuki still knows about this place?" Kakashi asked and Obito just nodded.

"I promised that I wouldn't take you to their hideout. I never said I wouldn't take you to a place they had already been." A small grin formed on Obito's face, causing the silver haired male to blush madly.

"I...I never said you were lying to me..." Kakashi muttered, though he had been thinking it just slightly.

"I know that. Now come on. Let's get you settled in for now. Madara has put everything we could possibly need in here, that includes a shower. Judging by the way you smell though, you don't need one right now so let me show you our room." Obito smiled as he started to drag Kakashi toward one of the doors.

"Wait! Our room!?" Kakashi asked in surprise. That was the last thing he expected to hear from Obito's mouth.

"Well yeah. I told you I was going to be your alpha so it's only natural that you and I share a room. We used to lay together all the time as kids so now shouldn't be any different." He smiled softly and made sure to tighten his grip on Kakashi so that he couldn't escape.

The taller male pulled Kakashi to one of the doors and opened it quickly. Inside was a small room with a decent sized bed. It's only lighting was a candle that was on a table beside the bed. Kakashi glanced around at the small room. For some reason it gave him a comforting feeling, but that could be because he was standing next to Obito as well.

"Maybe you and I should get down to business now." Obito muttered before he shoved Kakashi into the room and onto the bed. The silver haired male let out a slight yelp in surprise as he turned and looked at Obito.

"Hey! What the hell do you mean get down to business!?" Kakashi asked as he was pinned down gently.

"Exactly what you think it means. You're going to become my mate. I know you've had feelings for me since we were little but you never got the chance to tell me and honestly, you didn't have too. Just the way you acted around me was enough for me to figure it out. You really need to work on that if you don't want someone to find out that you have a crush on them." Obito chuckled a bit and reached up to pull the silver haired male's mask down but his hand was stopped when the other grabbed his wrist.

"How do I know you're not just going to toy with me? Listen, I want something serious. I'm not going to just give myself to someone who's going to toss me aside once they're done with me." Kakashi said softly. Obito just looked at the other in disbelief before a frown formed on his face. He quickly pulled his arm away and grabbed the edge of Kakashi's mask before the other could stop him.

"Now you listen and listen well, Kakashi. I'm not going to toss you aside. I'm dead serious when I say I want to be your mate. I've wanted to be your mate since we were kids but that mission screwed everything up. I'm not about to let you get away from me now. You're going to be my mate and I'm going to take care of you. Do you understand me?" Obito was dead serious as he spoke. He never took his eyes away from the other male, which gave Kakashi a bit more comfort.

"I'll believe you for now until you give me a reason not too. Go ahead and take it off... You're the only one who's ever seen my face before and you're the only one I want seeing it. Just don't break this trust I have given you. I don't know if I'd ever recover from that..." Kakashi muttered softly. The taller male just smiled and slowly pulled Kakashi's mask down from his face. He was still as beautiful as ever. His face was completely perfect in every way and he even had the a cute little beauty mark under his bottom lip, on the left. Now there was no hiding the blush that was covering Kakashi's face which made Obito grin a little more.

"Now, let me make you mine..." Obito muttered softly as he leaned down and gently kissed the other.

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