Chapter 20-Kismet 1/5 [NaruSasu]

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Let me make this clear before I start: Yes, this is a yaoi fiction! If someone is forcing you to read my story, please contact your local police immediately. If something is forcing you to read my story, please see a therapist.

To the rest of you: I hope you enjoy!

Warnings (applies to the entire story): Language, OOC, AU, Lemon/Lime, Typos & Grammar, Not beta-read

Warnings (applies to this chapter only): dub-con

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto or its characters. I do not get any profit from this. It's as simple as that really. I do, however, own anything you don't recognise (which won't be much).

Notes: I would like to point out my Alternate Universe warning because this really is completely A/U. Sasuke and Naruto will be 19-20 years old, although I am not bothering to change their outfits. The greatest difference in this story is perhaps that Sasuke has the mentality of a sheltered prince (but he grows up quickly) and half of the Konoha ninjas don't even live in Konoha, including Naruto. And what on earth is chakra...? Yeah, it's that bad. No fancy fighting moves, sorry. There will be 'magic' of some sorts, but it won't be offensive. So consider yourself warned.

I was going to make this really clichéd I-have-a-mate-let's-run-away kind of story because I love those (I will proudly admit that), but it actually ended up as a multi-chaptered story with an actual plot that does not focus on the more physical aspects of a relationship. It wasn't supposed to be nearly as long either, and this is only the first chapter. I continue to surprise myself.

I'm afraid Sasuke is no longer suffering from his unpredictable uke-moments. Now he's just being a general uke, and we love him for it.


Emphasis on a word

The word can be found in the dictionary on the bottom of this page

Chapter 1: Decisive (determined/unmistakable)

Uchiha Sasuke was itching.

Itching to run like hell.

He was on his way home after spending a few hours on the training grounds on the outskirts of Konoha.

Woods, planted there to take the brunt of the training sessions that went wrong, surrounded the open training area. Sasuke had long ago made his own path through the woods that passed a smaller river of perfect depth for a cleansing bath to wash away the sweat and tiredness. He also happened to like the solitude it brought. The itching had suddenly hit him when he had finished cleaning himself and continued to follow the usual path home. It wasn't even a justified feeling. It was simply a hunch, like a small voice whispering in his mind to just run now so he could escape from... something. Sasuke just didn't know what it was yet. And since he wasn't a coward, he would much rather face whatever animosity was waiting for him out there than to forever wonder what it was he had run away from.

Sasuke was just bothered with the feeling of being stalked. He had honed this sense of self-preservation over the years and now knew that when his warning bells went off, they did so for a reason. The young prodigy wasn't particularly paranoid, but he had an amazing gut instinct that warned him when something dangerous was nearing. His hands rested on his utility belt, already feeling safer when he had easy access to his weapons.

Now, if that something could just reveal itself from the shadows so Sasuke could kick its ass and then be at ease. This was probably exactly why Itachi didn't want him walking around alone. On the other hand, his aniki was worried about rapists and Sasuke seriously doubted one was following him. Then again, he was being followed by something, and with his luck it could very well be a rapist.

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