Chapter 17-Potential 2/15 [NaruSasu]

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Disclaimer: I can't think up something witty, so I'll just say this, "Don't own."

Thanks for the reviews, guys. They totally made my day(s). And I even got a cookie. :glows:

Chapter 2

I hate him, I hate him, I hate him! Naruto was glaring at Sasuke, who seemed to sense this and looked up at him.

He smirked.

I hate him!

Since their chance meeting a week ago at Ichiraku, Sasuke seemed to have turned over a new leaf. He liked to torture the younger boy. Today the Uchiha had corrected Naruto when he had done a problem on the board and said it in such a way the fox was immensely embarrassed. It was also the most Sasuke had ever said. Of course, most of the class thought this was highly amusing, the exception being Hinata, Shino, and Shikamaru.

Just you wait Sasuke-bastard. I'll get you back for that.

Naruto was still plotting Sasuke's slow and painful death when the bell rang.

By the time school was over, Naruto figured he could just beat up the brat and call it good. The students were milling about the schoolyard, some carpooling or taking the bus, but a good amount were walking. Naruto spotted the raven, his dark eyes scanning the grounds, currently free of his fangirls.

Hey, Sasuke!" Naruto snapped, ready to bring about his revenge. The Uchiha fixed him with a blank stare, a tiny frown forming.

"Not now, Uzumaki."

Naruto was about to yell at him, but he caught the tired tone in Sasuke's voice. He couldn't begin to imagine why he would sound so worn out, and he backed off.

Sasuke turned and began to walk away, beginning the long trek toward the train station. After a moment, Naruto fell in step with the raven. He was greeted by a sidelong glare.

"We walk the same way. Why not walk together?"

Sasuke's eyes flicked forward, face giving away nothing.

Naruto mostly figured that meant something along the lines of 'okay'. They were silent for a long while until Sasuke made to leave for the station. Naruto then remembered Sasuke saying something about not really liking his family. With a sigh, he gave in to his nice side.

"Wanna go to Ichiraku with me?" Naruto couldn't help but offer.

Sasuke's features almost registered surprise, and after a moment's consideration, nodded.


Moments later, the two were sitting side by side at the booth, each eating a different type of ramen.


"Don't you ever talk!" Naruto cried, frustrated.

Sasuke rose a brow, "Why should I?"

"Don't you want friends?" Naruto growled.

Sasuke snorted, "So I can have annoying brats like you following me around? No, thanks."

Naruto glowered, "You shouldn't take friends for granted! They'll always be there for you—"

Naruto bit his tongue and looked away, twiddling his hashi in his ramen. Sasuke snorted again and lept easily off the stool, heading back toward the train station.

"I'll see you later, loser." The aloof tone was back, and Naruto didn't watch as he walked away.

It was much later, the moon well into the sky. Sasuke dryly noted he was going to be tired in school; he had stayed up too late.
The pain behind his eyes was a sign of his migraine, although he wasn't sure what caused it.

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