Chapter 9-Fared Meeting 4/6 [NaruSasu]

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Disclaimer: Naruto does NOT belong to me. Naruto belongs to Masashi Kishimoto. If Naruto belonged to me, Sasuke and Naruto would finally resolve their UST and do the nasty. Unfortunately, I don't.

Author's note: Thanks to all of your wonderful reviews! Honestly, it was thanks to Tainta2000 and her wonderful PM which made me get off my lazy butt and continue with this story! xD By the way, I'm taking a bit of artistic license in how the school system runs in Konoha. Just bear with me, okay?
I hope it's up to your expectations, everyone!

Warning: OOC-ness, yaoi, NaruSasu, YonIta and extreme Itachi-OOC (since I actually have him and Sasuke have a close sibling relationship. And Itachi is just...weird xD)
Chapter 3

Soon the patio was empty of students except for Sasuke, who was still standing in front of the school and debating whether to run away from the intimidating building or just get it over with.
He decided against skipping when he thought about the consequences, mainly Itachi finding out and making his life hell or getting detention.

That would suck.

And he sort of wanted to see the blonde again...

'I need to stop thinking about that idiot, I just met him!' He couldn't help it though, this was the first time someone caught his attention like that. He had a feeling he was going to see a lot of Naruto...He hoped...

He finally stopped in front of the glass doors, took a long breath and pushed them open.

Students were still walking in the hallway, putting their backpacks and books in their lockers and making their way to class. He gained a few curious looks from some students, probably because he looked new, but nothing major.

Now he had to find the main office. He began to look around for any sign of where he was supposed to go when he noticed that there was a closed door with the words 'Main Office' just ahead of him.

He knocked once but nobody answered. He was about to walk away when the door was opened by another student. The student looked at him, then pushed him out of the way and walked out of the office. He grunted, then had to stop himself from going after the asshole and throw him his backpack, which has heavy from his roller-skates, and hopefully hurt him a lot. 'Self control!'

He walked inside and noticed a man sitting at the front desk, reading over a few documents and talking on the phone; probably the secretary.

He waited until the man stopped talking over the phone before making himself known.

"Excuse me..."

The man raised his head from the paperwork he was reading and looked at him with a surprised expression on his face, which soon changed to a kind smile. He had a high ponytail holding his hair and a scar across his nose.

"Oh, I'm sorry for making you wait. My name is Umino Iruka. Can I help you with anything?"

"...I'm here to see the Principal...My name is-"

"Oh! You must be Uchiha Sasuke-kun, right?" This man looked way too nice. He nodded.

"Good, you're right on time! I have a few papers that you need to sign first though. Don't worry, it won't take long! Please have a seat."

Iruka handed him a piece of paper which had a few basic questions. He pushed his glasses back and started to read over the document. 'I thought I already signed everything...Okay, social security number...Name, date, blah blah blah. This is bullshit.'

He finished filling out everything then gave it back to Iruka. "Here." Iruka read quickly over the papers and nodded.

"Great! Now hold on a second, I'm going to get your schedule." Iruka started to type something on his computer, then a paper was printed out and was handed to Sasuke.

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