Chapter 14-Kyuubi's Fiancée 2/3 [NaruSasu]

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A/n. Hi, everyone! Thank you very much for the reviews! Makes me feel really guilty for not updating sooner. Actually, I finished the chapter two months ago but it didn't come out as I liked so I deleted it and started over. Anyway, I'll try to update faster! Also, many of you may notice that I changed the story title from "Kyuubi's Bride" to "Kyuubi's FiancИe". I did that because I split the story into two and decided to make it more entertaining. Now on with the story!

Summary: Kyuubi has a crush! When the fox boy finds out he is 'appalled' and the intended is 'freaked'.

Pairings: The usual.

Kyuubi's Fiancée

Part II: The Tale of the Pest and the Bastard

Sunlight poured through the window on the Hokage's blond head while she... worked, as surprising as it seems. The corner of her mouth was quirked into a smirk as she wrote something down on a threat- er- notice to the new local restaurant, informing its very stubborn owner to change its name or he would 'unfortunately' find the restaurant filled with slugs since it was the rainy season. Sometimes she loved her job, especially when she had nothing better to do than torture some unsuspecting fools or spend her time idly writing threatening notes to her council members, the ANBU, jounins, stupid restaurant owners...

It gave her respite from all the bloody and gory duties of being a Hokage. And today Shizune just happened to be away on a mission, which meant she could relax, ignore the constant pile of paper work on her desk under the pretext of writing an 'important notification to the local business', drink a little sake, probably get engaged in a friendly game of chance or two, inspect the village construction and catch up on her sleep a bit. Yeah, she sighed, even the hokage needed a break from constant work. Especially, since she had an assistant breathing fire down her neck for one thing or another most of the time. Putting down the brush, she leaned back and closed her eyes, listening to the distant noise of people working on constructions, birds chirping, kids running and yelling in the street below, Naruto yelling, shinobi passing on the near by rooftops... Wait a second - Naruto yelling... her eyes snapped open only to see her office door crash open into the walls. In the next second, a blur of orange and gold flew through it and hit the table so hard it slid back several inches, painfully digging into her ribs.

"Tsunadeee baaa-channn!"

Having the wind knocked out of her, she mentally wondered if she would have survived the sudden assault without at least a couple of broken ribs had she not had such a buxom upper body.

Naruto, ignorant of the rapid twitches of other blond's eyebrows, unceremoniously and even more painfully lifted her up by the lapel of her coat from the very confining space between the desk and chair. Even at that point, she would have been more than kind to him had he not attempted to violently shake her inner organs out of her body and send her almost flying over the desk to the other side, all the while, spitting and speaking in a language that was alien to the contemporary human race at an insane volume in her face. Seemingly not having his point across to the hokage judging from her lack of reaction with the exception of heavily twitching eyebrows, he released a hand from her lapel in favour of resorting to the ancient human language of wild hand and body gestures to communicate. At this point, it was safer to say that in comparison a raving, berserk lunatic seemed saner than him.

At the brutal manhandling, Tsunade wondered why she had given the hokage necklace to someone who was more likely to be the cause of her downfall and demise than Orochimaru or Akatsuki due to the regularity and the extent of physical and mental violence that came with him.

She scowled.

When she had agreed to be the hokage, neither the job description nor the part with duties and responsibilities had said anything about having to deal with evil minions of Sata - er - psycho ninja brats on a daily basis. Or the village's half crazed clown for that matter. It wasn't fair, dammit! She was sure Sarutobi-sensei was having a laugh at her fortune now for pulling pranks on him with the evil snake bastard and that perverted hermit with the psychological sexual disorder.

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