Chapter 36- Returned for you 12/15 [ObiKaka]

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The next day, Obito had pretty much arrived at the hideout where Kakashi was being kept. He was pretty tired, but that wasn't going to stop him from rescuing his mate. He wanted to get Kakashi back no matter what it took. In the Hidden Rain Village, it was naturally raining due to Pein and his abilities. As soon as a drop touch him, he knew Pain would know he was there. That didn't matter to him though. He didn't even care if he got out of this alive. He only cared about getting Kakashi out alive. He also didn't plan on dying. If he was going to die, he was going to make damn sure he took Pein with him. Without hesitation, the raven ran straight for the Akatsuki hideout. He just hoped that the others wouldn't try to stop him from getting Kakashi back. He didn't have the energy to fight all of them. He was just barely going to have the energy to fight Pein.

He was soon met by a very familiar clay bird that landed in front of him with a certain blond on top of it. Obito halted and prepared to fight if it was needed but was surprised when the blond stretched out a hand to him, as if he were offering the other a ride. Of course Obito hesitated for a minute but he soon took the other's hand and got on the clay bird. Once he was seated on it, it took off toward the hideout.

"I didn't expect to get an escort to the hideout. I expected to break in and be ambushed." Obito said as he looked toward Deidara. He was surprised to see that the youngest member of the Akatsuki looked so different. His hair was actually all the way down for once and flowing in the wind. There were bags under his ice blue eyes and what looked like hickies on his neck. Deidara slowly turned his head to look at Obito.

"I came to get you myself... No one told me to..." He said softly. Deidara looked pretty scared but he tried his best to hide it.

"Did he hurt you too, Deidara?" Obito asked with a raised eyebrow.

"He would have...but he didn't. I stayed in Itachi's room all night...things happened, I won't go into detail, and after things happened I just couldn't sleep." Deidara said softly before he looked forward again.

"...Did you want said things to happen? Itachi didn't force himself on you, did he?" Obito asked. He was actually really worried. He had always seen Deidara as a younger sibling to him.

"Huh? Oh wasn't forced... I did it willingly. Itachi wouldn't force himself on anyone. I was more worried about Pein coming into the room and hurting me or something because I talked back to him like an idiot..." Deidara simply sighed and fell silent again as they landed on the balcony of the hideout. "Just save Kakashi...and please try to set the rest of us free. There are some that are willing to help you if it's needed."

Before Obito got off the clay bird, he leaned over and hugged the young blond gently, as if he were trying to soothe the other. Once he released Deidara, he jumped down and made his way into the hideout. He could see it in Deidara's eyes as they were flying over here. It wasn't just Kakashi who needed to be saved, they all needed to be saved from being under Pein's rule. As Obito continued to make his way through the halls, familiar screaming was heard coming from a close by room. Those screams belonged to the love of his life. Hearing them only made Obito run faster. He had to hurry before Pein broke Kakashi completely. He threw every door open as he continued down the hallway until there was only one door left. He threw it open and froze.

He saw Pein sitting in a chair and holding his naked mate tightly on his lap. He could see the horror on Kakashi's face and it made his blood boil. He couldn't believe Pein had hurt his mate so much. He could see all the bruises and lashes on Kakashi's beautiful body. What was causing Kakashi to scream was the fact that he was being poked with a red hot bar that were leaving horrid burns on his legs, chest, arms and abdomen. When Pein saw Obito in the doorway, he smirked darkly and sank his teeth into Kakashi's shoulder, causing the silver haired male to scream again before he harshly threw him to the ground and stood himself up.

"So you're finally here. As you can see, your beloved has been through hell since you last saw him. I've been using him for some pleasure of my own. If you look closely at his face and hair, you'll be able to see what I'm talking about." Pein said with a grin. "Maybe I should pin you down and let you watch me fuck him senseless. How much would that piss you off?"

"Get the hell away from him! This is between you and me. He has nothing to do with it!" Obito growled out while clenching his fist tightly. He didn't have to look too hard to see the dried semen on his poor mate's face and in his hair. "Fight me right now. I'll kill you and take him home."

"Well, you're more than welcome to try and kill me but you'll die in the process." Pein said as he kicked Kakashi to the side. The male slid harshly across the floor and crashed against the wall hard enough to knock him out cold. After seeing that, Obito finally snapped and charged at Pein with his giant paddle in his hands that he had summoned just as he charged. Pein only laughed and pulled out a metal rod. Their weapons clashed against each other, knives and shuriken were thrown, punches and kicks were made, landing direct blows on both of them.

Obito slid back and coughed up some blood but he didn't let that stop him. He threw his paddle to the side and made some hand signs before he blew a giant ball of fire toward Pein but it was quickly kicked away. Obito glared hard and was already panting like crazy. He was running out of chakra but he couldn't stop now. Kakashi was right there and he wasn't leaving without him. In an instant, Pein was directly in front of Obito. He grabbed the raven by the throat and slammed him to the ground hard enough to knock the wind out of the other.

"You dropped your guard. Now I'm going to kill you then your mate will be my bitch forever. Oh and maybe I should tell you this before I kill you. I discovered that your beautiful mate is pregnant." Pein grinned wickedly and Obito could only stare at the other with shock and horror plastered on his face. He couldn't believe Kakashi was pregnant, but he didn't have time to think about it because his throat was slowly being crushed by Pein's hand. He tried like hell to claw the other or something to get him off but Obito was slowly losing it. Just when he thought he was going to pass out, Pein was suddenly kicked off of the raven and sent flying in a different direction. Gasping for air, Obito looked around to see who rescued him and was surprised to see the same blond who brought him here.

"Deidara! What are you doing!?" Obito asked with a terrified look on his face. He knew the blond wasn't strong enough to do something so hasty, even if it did save his life.

"Just pull yourself together! He'll be up in just..." The blond was suddenly cut off when a metal rod pierced through his stomach. He cried out loudly and didn't have time to see where it came from. He was suddenly grabbed by the hair and flung like a ragdoll. He crashed into a wall hard enough to put a hole in it and was out cold under the rubble that fell on him. Obito just stood there for a minute, completely frozen once again. His gaze turned toward his unconscious mate and then to the pile of rubble that had the unconscious blond trapped. Then something snapped inside the raven. Pein started to go for him when he suddenly realized he couldn't move. He was trapped by chakra strings that led to Sasori who was behind Obito. Growling loudly, Pein tried to raise his arms anyways in order to forcefully cast his attack at the other, but he was quickly stopped when arms wrapped around his body and held him tightly. He glanced over his shoulder and saw Hidan clinging to him for dear life. Hidan looked toward Obito.

"Hurry! Run him through before we can't hold him any longer!" He shouted out. Obito didn't need to be told twice. He pulled out a kunai and charged at Pein with full speed. He pierced Pein directly through the heart, causing the orange haired male to cough up blood. Hidan and Sasori released him and watched as their leader dropped on the ground. He had tried to call the other bodies he had but they had already been destroyed by the rest of the Akatsuki members. Within minutes, Pein was gone. Obito slowly dropped to his knees and started panting like crazy.

"'s finally over..." Obito muttered softly. "Get Deidara...and I'll get Kakashi...Let's get the hell out of here..."

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