Chapter 33-Returned for you 9/15 [ObiKaka]

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After about an hour of nonstop swimming, Kakashi finally pulled himself up from the water and settled down in the grass. He didn't even bother drying off, figuring the sun would air dry him eventually. Shortly after, Obito retreated from the water as well and settled down beside his partner. He looked down toward the silver haired male and gave him a gentle smile before he reached out and lightly ran his fingers across the smaller male's cheek. 'Beautiful', the raven thought to himself. The sudden motion caused Kakashi to glance over at the raven with a curious expression.

"What is it?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh I was just thinking about how beautiful you look, that's all." Obito replied with a cheeky smile that caused Kakashi to chuckle slightly.

"Sure you were." The silver haired male replied with a smirk as he moved closer to his significant other. The day had gone so perfectly so far and he didn't think anything could ruin it. That is until about ten kunai knives came flying at them from all directions, causing both males to yelp and jump up from where they had been sitting. They both quickly pulled their clothes on and looked around for who threw the knives at them. Obito even reacted by pulling out his own pair of knives.

"Whos' there!?" The raven growled out while looking around. His main priority was keeping Kakashi safe from whoever was trying to ambush them. Not long after Obito called out, a deep chuckle could be heard from somewhere close by. It was a chuckle that Obito could have sworn he had heard before.

"So this is where you've been?" A deep voice asked as a shadow figure was soon seen making its way toward them. "Why am I not surprised?"

"No..." Obito growled out. The one shadow figure eventually turned into six different figures. "Pein... So you found me..."

"Indeed I did. After you didn't come back for a few days we started to get worried so I personally came to fetch you and what do I find? You alone with a ninja from the Hidden Leaf Village. A very dangerous ninja... Kakashi Hatake." Pein replied as his gaze shifted toward the silver haired male who was behind Obito.

"What exactly do you want, Pein?" Obito asked with a bit of a glare. Pein easily returned the glare. His eyes possessed the rinnegan, another visual jutsu that could easily compete with the sharingan. Before Obito and Kakashi could even react, they were suddenly surrounded by Pein and the five others who looked similar to him.

"I want to bring you back so that we can continue with our plans to destroy the Hidden Leaf Village and capture Naruto Uzumaki. We need the Nine Tails and you know it." Pein replied while crossing his arms. However, Obito reacted by quickly shaking his head.

"No. I refuse to go back with you and I refuse to finish that plan. I've made my decision to start a new life and it doesn't involve destroying anything." Obito replied with a bit of a growl. Hearing all that was enough to actually shock Kakashi. He couldn't believe that Obito had originally made plans to do such a thing. The thought of that actually happening caused the silver haired male to lose the bit of trust he had developed for the other male. He wanted to try and make a run for it but before he could, he and Obito were separated and he was grabbed by three of the other Peins. He tried to fight back but was quickly taken to the ground and was pinned there by two metal rods piercing through his shoulders, causing him to cry out in pain.

"Kakashi!" Obito shouted out. He tried to turn so he could free the silver haired male but he was quickly knocked back to the ground and held there.

"Let me put it this way. Either you join us and finish off this plan or..." The lead Pein paused and knelt down beside Kakashi. He grasped the male tightly by his hair and forced his head up with a harsh tug. "...Or I'll do some unspeakable things to this ninja. I'll break him beyond repair. You have two days to decide. Don't worry. We'll take really good care of this man while you decide." He said before he removed the metal rods from Kakashi's shoulders and lifted him up. He looked toward the other Peins and just nodded before he started walking off with Kakashi.

Before Obito could even say anything, he was suddenly smacked in the back of the head hard enough that a crack could be heard before he was dropped to the ground. With his vision fading, all he saw before blacking out was Kakashi's barely conscious figure staring back at him with fear and anger in his eyes.

Pein suddenly created a hand sign and poofed them all back to the hideout. Once there, he harshly dropped Kakashi on the floor by a chair and sat down. He used the smaller male as a footrest while he looked out the window. He was trying to decide on what he could possibly do to the male at his feet while they waited the two days for Obito to make his decision.

"Hmm... I wonder what would piss Obito off..." Pein muttered to himself before hearing a groan come from Kakashi.

"G-get your disgusting feet off of me..." Kakashi growled out, only to yelp when Pein put more force on him.

"You're in no position to try telling me what to do." The orange haired male responded before he suddenly got an idea. His feet were removed from Kakashi, but only so he could pull the silver haired male up on his lap. "I think I know what we can do to you." He said in a low tone that caused Kakashi to shudder slightly.

"W-what are you going to do...?" Kakashi asked softly. He wasn't entirely sure on if he wanted an answer to that or not. A sudden smirk grew on Pein's face before he reached out and grabbed onto Kakashi's mask. Before the other could say anything, Pein gave the mask a harsh tug and literally ripped it off of Kakashi's face.

"We're going to make you into a toy for our entertainment."

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