Chapter 15-Kyuubi's Fiancée 3/3 [NaruSasu]

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Disclaimer: Naruto is not my creation nor do I own any of its characters.

A/n. I started typing this chapter a longgggg time ago. Each time I started reading/writing, I couldn't progress any further because I would just sit and add layers to the already written part. In the end, the chapter turned out so lengthy I had to split it into two parts so that I could update the story faster while finishing the second part. I'll add in the second part on this page instead of opening a new page and chapter. So, I'll e-mail anyone on the story alert list, signed in reviews or e-mail address with reviews when I have added that part!

I'm really sorry for not updating faster!

Also, this chapter is dedicated to the wonderful Allys for all her help in editing making 'Kyuubi's Fiancée' so much better!

For more information on story status visit Author's profile.

Warning: Sasuke's character is so far, far away that he probably suspects Itachi is behind it! Just for fun, regular old Kyuubi mayhem!

Summary: Kyuubi has a crush! Let's hope the intended comes out with even the slightest bit of dignity and the delightful host without being pummelled into a pulp.

Pairing: Beside the obvious, I'm toying with the idea of adding another pair. Recommendations for other pairs are welcomed!

Kyuubi's Fiancée

Part 3: A Dip in a Lily Occupying, Algae Ridden Pond

'It's NOT my fault! If he didn't want to get jumped then he shouldn't have gotten rid of his shirt and flaunted his possession in front of us!'

'Possession? What the hell does his possession have to do with anything, you insufferable pest?'

'It's the source of everything and especially these little squabbles between us! Can you not see why he took it off, you miserable, brainless little human?'

'Kyuubi,' the courageous blond took a deep breath, 'Don't call me a 'miserable, brainless little human.' I am not blind, deaf or brainless. FUCK! We were dipping in an algae ridden pond! Of course, he took off his shirt to not get it wet and spoilt! Why do you think he took off his shirt?'

'...' A silence followed by, 'to be provocative,' in a flat tone.

'...' A silence descended again this time followed by in a disbelieving voice, 'Provocative?'

'Seduction, implying innuendo, insinuation for intimacy, an invitation between his sheets!'

'...' A sigh, then the one dubbed pest replied, 'Can your slow, dysfunctional brain not comprehend that he was tempting us to feast on him?'

'Feast on him? Are you crazy? Do you think he wants to be eaten by you, you intolerable, dimwitted carnivore? And you call me brainless? WHAT THE HELL IS YOUR PROBLEM?'

'I rest my case. Clearly it is an utter waste of my time to point out to you why he obviously took his clothes off in front of us!' the voice seemed to get dimmer as if retreating, 'Now if you will excuse me I have something much better to do than listen to your ranting!'

'Hey, hey! Where the hell are you going?! I am not done with you yet! Come BACK HERE, YOU PEST!' the blond's yelling echoed off into the silent recesses of his now empty mind. His tenant having long abandoned him with a glazed, duped look on his face for the outer world to see.

...Earlier that day...

Due to a particular message delivered to the genin of Team Seven between the hours of two and three in the morning by a summoned ninja dog dubbed 'Pakkun', they found themselves at the shore of a pond instead of on the bridge to start their day. The message simply contained the words:

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