Chapter 25-Returned for you 1/15 [Obikaka]

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Kakashi sighed quietly as he stared up at the ceiling in his bedroom. He really didn't want to get up and do anything today. The past few years had been absolute hell and today wasn't going to make things any better. Why? It was his birthday, and the person he wanted to spend it with the most was no longer with him. His dear friend had died back when they were kids. He had just started to understand these feelings he had been having for his friend and just like that, he was taken away forever.
A small groan escaped the silver haired male's masked face as he forced himself to sit up. Today, he had turned twenty three and he planned on doing nothing at all for the entire day. Just as he started to get out of bed, a loud knock came at the door.
"Great...I've only just woken up and people are already knocking on my door..." He muttered quietly. He stood himself up and made his way to the door as another knock came, this one more rapid than before. "I'm coming!" The male shouted. He was easily annoyed these days because after his friend died, things only got worse. He had discovered that he was a Beta about a week after the death, which made everything worse. His first heat had hit him back then and he locked himself up in his room until it went away. He had been doing the same thing every time his heat would hit him. He refused to tell anyone that he was a Beta. He disguised himself as an Alpha and disappeared whenever the heat would hit. Whenever anyone asked, he'd just tell them he had been out on a mission. No one had found out yet and he planned to keep it that way.
When he finally reached the door, he opened it and was met with a loud laugh, followed by a male that was slightly taller than himself. "What the hell took you so long to answer the door, Kakashi? You weren't still in bed were you?" The familiar and slightly annoying voice asked.
"Actually I was. Now get the hell off me." Once he was released, he looked up at the male. He had a funny looking bowl cut, huge bushy eyebrows, eyes that burned with a passion, and a huge goofy grin. Not to mention, the ridiculous green spandex suit he was wearing. "What do you want, Guy?"

"There's no need for that attitude Kakashi! I'm here to drag you out of this house and you're going to enjoy your birthday this year. You can't constantly mope around. Yamato and I are worried so you're going to spend the day with me and him!" Guy exclaimed before he grasped Kakashi's wrist in a tight grasp. He started to drag the silver haired male out of he house but he was forcibly stopped.

"Listen here, Guy. If you're really going to insist on dragging me out of this house, you at least have to let me get dressed. I'm in no mood to be dragged away in my pajamas." Kakashi said in a very annoyed tone. He still didn't want to leave the house but knowing Guy, he'd throw Kakashi over his shoulder and carry him off or something. Guy just laughed and released Kakashi's wrist from his grasp.

"Fine then, get yourself changed. I'll wait here that way you can't hide." Guy replied before he settled down on the couch, crossing his arms over his chest. Kakashi just sighed and went off to get himself dressed. Guy really wasn't going to let up on this so what choice did he have?

"Damn..." Kakashi muttered as he got himself dressed. He dressed in his usual ninja gear. There was no point in putting anything different on. Once dressed, he put his headband on, making sure to pull it down so that it covered his left eye. He exited his room a bit later and sure enough, Guy was still sitting on the couch in the same position he was left in. The silver haired male should have known that Guy wasn't just going to up and leave like he hoped. Once the bowl cut makes up his mind, he sticks to it and no one will get him to back down. Guy suddenly turned toward Kakashi and was up in an instant.

"Great! You're dressed! Now let's get going! Yamato is waiting for us by the barbeque joint!" Guy exclaimed. Before Kakashi could protest, he was once again grabbed by the wrist and this time he was dragged from his home. He could already tell that today wasn't going to go smoothly. He'd probably be knocking Guy into next week before he even knew it. The taller male was always so annoying.

As they walked through the Hidden Leaf Village, Kakashi looked around with a bored expression. Everything still looked the same as he remembered. This place had been through hell and back, yet it still stands. This village had so many memories and most of them brought Kakashi happiness but there were a couple that didn't, like his memories of the two he used to be a squad with. He thought of those two everyday and it always brought him sadness, but then again, why wouldn't it? He lost his two best friends.

"Hey Kakashi! We're here!" Guy's voice suddenly ripped Kakashi from his train of thought. When he got back to reality, he noticed that they had indeed arrived at the food place and inside, Yamato, or as Kakashi called him, Tenzou was waiting inside for them. When the brunette saw the pair, he smiled a bit and waved them over. Kakashi managed to smile though his mask as Guy pulled him inside.

"Hey you two. You're running a bit late. You're lucky I didn't start eating without you." Tenzou chuckled softly, earning a laugh from the other two males. It was the first time Kakashi actually laughed in a couple months. The silver haired male sat down beside Tenzou while Guy sat across from them.

"Now, we do have a fourth person coming. I figured Asuma could join us as well. That won't be a problem, right Kakashi?" Guy gave the beta a slight grin and Kakashi only sighed. It wasn't that he had a problem with Asuma, it was just more contact that he was really ready for but Guy already invited him so he couldn't really say no.

"Yeah it's fine." Kakashi said simply.

A few minutes later, Asuma arrived and greeted the other three males that were already at the table. Once he sat down, the four of them began talking about what they had been up to the past couple months and any upcoming missions that Lady Tsunade was going to be sending them on. Kakashi had been relieved of mission duty for awhile. It was for the best in her eyes, especially since she knew Kakashi wasn't emotionally stable at the time.

As the day went on, Kakashi found himself growing more relaxed since he was spending time with the others, however, he was still wanting to go home. He had never been much of a people person. While the day seemed like it was going to be a good day, there was something in the back of Kakashi's mind that told him it was definitely going to be one to remember, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.

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