Chapter 37-Returned for you 13/15 [ObiKaka]

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A few weeks had passed since the incident with Pein. Obito was sitting in a room beside his mate who was still unconscious after Pein had kicked him into a wall. They were actually in the hospital of Konoha. Once they had made it out of the Hidden Rain Village, they were met by Leaf Shinobi who had been sent to recover Kakashi. Naturally, all the members were taken into custody and questioned, except for Deidara who had life threatening injuries. He had been taken to the hospital with Kakashi and was also still unconscious. Surprisingly, Lady Tsunade had decided to release them all and even allowed some of them to seek shelter in the village, something Obito hadn't expected. Of course people protested, but she had already made her decision and no one was changing her mind.

Obito lifted his gaze from his unconscious mate and looked toward the bed that was beside Kakashi. In that one was Deidara who didn't have a shirt on and had a large bandage around his chest. Apparently he had to go through a pretty big surgery in order to remove the metal rod successfully without killing him. Beside that bed was Itachi who was gently stroking Deidara's messy blond hair. The other Uchiha had a very worried look on his face and honestly, Obit couldn't blame him because he knew exactly how Itachi was feeling. He felt the same way about Kakashi.

A few more hours passed before Kakashi started to groan softly. Obito heard the sounds and instantly sat himself up. He looked toward his mate with wide eyes and watched as the silver haired male's eyes flickered open. He groaned again and looked in the direction Obito was sitting. His face was instantly filled with a mix of emotions. The raven could see anger, fear, and several others. He knew Kakashi was still upset about what Pein had blabbed out before taking off with him. It was only natural that Kakashi would be a bit iffy around Obito. The silver haired male slowly tried to sit himself up, only to hiss in pain. Obito gently pushed the other back down and shook his head.

"Baby, you can't be moving around right now... You're hurt badly and you need to rest. There's also something you really need to know." Obito said softly. Kakashi only growled and shook his head.

"Obito...I don't want to hear a damn thing you have to say... You were going to attack Konoha... You were going to destroy it... How the hell could I trust you?" Kakashi asked with a glare. Those words hurt Obito badly, but it was to be expected. He couldn't blame Kakashi for feeling that way.

"Kakashi...yes that was originally the plan but...I abandoned that when I saw you that night. I knew then that what I really wanted. I knew I no longer wanted to destroy Konoha. I just wanted to be with you. I've loved you since we were kids and I never got the chance to tell you when I got crushed. I wanted to come back several times but Pein had found me and turned me into a monster. When I finally decided to face you again, I decided to listen to my heart. I was planning on abandoning Pein and running away with you forever. Baby, if I didn't love you, I wouldn't have risked everything to come and save you. Please believe me...and don't stop loving me..." Obito was nearly in tears as he stared down at the love of his life, hoping to God that he would forgive him.

Kakashi just looked toward Obito with a blank expression. However, it quickly changed when he saw that the raven was crying, something he didn't think he'd see again. Obito cried a lot as a kid and Kakashi always gave him a hard time about it but now...Kakashi didn't want to see his love crying like this. It hurt him to see such a thing and he regretted ever doubting Obito and his love.

"Obito...Please don't cry...I'm so sorry... Thank you for saving my life... I'm really glad to be back with you... By the way, where are we...?" Kakashi asked while looking around. When his eyes fell on the other bed, he was surprised to see Itachi and Deidara, however, Deidara was still unconscious. When he looked back at Obito, the raven was simply smiling.

"We're back in Konoha. When we left the Hidden Rain Village, we were soon surrounded by ninjas from the Leaf Village. Tsunade had sent them to come and retrieve you because you hadn't written to her like you promised you would. We were all escorted back here and questioned. Eventually, she decided to let us all off and even said we'd be allowed to stay here if we wanted. From the looks of things, only myself and possible those two over there are staying. The others have taken off. Oh that reminds me...Kakashi there' something you don't know yet." Obito moved so he was sitting on the bed beside his mate. Kakashi was surprised to hear about everything that had happened while he was unconscious. He was relieved to hear that the others had been let off the hook and overjoyed to hear that Obito was staying with him in the village where they could live peacefully. But now he wondered...

"What is it that you have to tell me?" Kakashi asked while tilting his head to the side.

"Well... Pein said this to me first and Tsunade confirmed it while she was examining you and bandaging you up." Obito said as he ran his hand across Kakashi's wrapped up chest. "Kakashi my dear... You're pregnant and yes, I'm the father."

Kakashi was beyond dumbfounded when those words left Obito's mouth. He was shocked at first but then instantly worried. His hands quickly moved to his stomach where a small bump had began to form. Tears started to flood the silver haired male's eyes as he looked back at Obito. The raven simply smiled and wiped Kakashi's tears away before placing a gentle kiss on his forehead.

"W-we're going to have a little on...?" Kakashi asked softly and Obito just nodded.

"That's right. We're going to have a little one. You're going to be a wonderful parent and I'll always be by your side to support you. Oh and that reminds me...." Obito paused and gently took Kakashi's hand in his own. "Do you still want to become an Uchiha...?" He asked. He was honestly worried that after everything that had happened, Kakashi wouldn't want to become an Uchiha anymore. If the silver haired male said no, Obito would understand but would also be crushed.

"Obito... I already said yes once and I'll say yes a thousand times more. I will become an Uchiha. I love you and I'll always love you." Kakashi replied with a gentle smile. Obito returned the smile and carefully embraced the love of his life, holding him securely to his chest. Now they just had to wait for their child to be born and their family would be complete.

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