Chapter 16-Potential 1/15 [NaruSasu]

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Disclaimer: Alas! My friends, I do not own Naruto. Oh, the drama!

Full Summary: "Some people are beyond help, but no one is beyond hope." But Naruto doesn't want to settle for hope...
When a young Uchiha transfers to Naruto's school, the two initially clash. But as time goes on, he realizes something is very wrong and struggles to help Sasuke, a nearly impossible task as the Snake's hold on the dark boy tightens.
Yaoi, NaruSasu.

Advance Warnings:
-Orochimaru. Yes. He gets his own warning.
-Yaoi. As in a boy/boy relationship. Nothing explicit. Sorry?
-Angst. I heart torturing people.

Pairings: NaruSasu; as in seme!Naruto. A minuscule amount of one-sided OroSasu, but nothing happens; it's almost nonexistant. There's not going to be any sexual abuse. I'm sorry if that disappoints you. There are also tiny hints of SakuSasu, but they won't ever, ever get together. That's right, I like Sakura! Oh, the shock. :cough: But she's not a big part of the story. At all.


Chapter 1

Naruto shifted next to Shikamaru, waiting for Asuma, his chemistry teacher, to show up. To be honest, he'd wanted to sit next to Sakura, but she wouldn't have it, and due to (sometimes painful) past experiences, he'd learned to back down. Shikamaru was already falling asleep beside him; but then, he was the laziest kid in school.

Finally the class door opened, revealing Asuma and... someone else.

Who the hell transfers this late in the school year? Naruto wondered.

It was early March and he knew he had never seen the boy before.

His face was unnaturally pale, framed by blue-black hair that seemed to want to naturally spike up in the back; a couple of undone buttons at the top of his shirt revealed skinny collarbones, and his lips, pale as his skin, were pressed firmly together; his softly slanted almond eyes pools of endless black.

Naruto shivered and thought that if he stared at those eyes too long he'd be swallowed up by them, but looking at those eyes he saw something he saw every day looking in the mirror...

Those dark eyes roamed the room as if he were evaluating them.

"Alright everyone," Asuma began, "This is Uchiha Sasuke. He transfered from Tokyo just this week. Now then..."

A few of the girls whispered to each other, noting his obvious good looks. Naruto noticed how Sakura looked longingly at the newcomer.

Lucky bastard. He can probably get any girl he wants in here.

"Why don't you sit next to Hinata over there?" Asuma suggested. Sasuke nodded, making his way to the Hyuuga girl. Hinata blushed (more from the glares she recieved from her fellow females than the fact Sasuke was sitting next to her) and looked away, mumbling what was probably a greeting, before glancing timidly at Naruto. She blushed more, fixing her pale eyes on her desk. The head of the class, Aburame Shino, led them through the opening ceremony before they began schoolwork.

Naruto curiously watched Sasuke throughout class.

The pale boy seemed to ignore everyone except for Asuma, jotting down notes. Occasionally, when Asuma's back was turned, a girl would try to talk to the newcomer, ranging from bold flirting to simple greetings. Sasuke would look at them, then turn back to his notebook.

Arrogant bastard. Girls are practically throwing themselves at his feet and he just ignores them.

"How troublesome..." Shikamaru whined next to him, opening one eye and glancing balefully around. "If this guy didn't turn up, people wouldn't be so noisy."

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