Chapter 28-Returned for you 4/15 [Obikaka]

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The next day, Kakashi was already all packed up and ready to meet up with Obito, but first he had to get past Tsunade and her suspicions. He sighed a bit and threw his bag over his shoulder before heading to his meeting with the Hokage. She was a pretty terrifying lady with a massive amount of strength and a temper that could easily be brought out. The wrong word would be enough to enrage the woman, then she'd beat whoever insulted her to a pulp. Even Kakashi feared her slightly, but he knew better than to enrage the woman.

Upon arrival, he knocked on the door to Tsunade's office and waited for the okay to come in. After a few minutes, she called him inside. He walked through the door and shut it behind himself. He turned to the woman sitting behind the desk and gave her a smile through his mask.

"Alright, Kakashi. What did you want to talk about?" She asked. She sounded like she was in no mood to really deal with anything at the time, but that had become normal for her. She looked at the silver haired male with her piercing green eyes and waiting for his answer.

"Well, Lady Tsunade... I have to leave the village for awhile." He said simply. Tsunade's eyes suddenly grew wide and she stood up quickly while slamming her hand on her desk.

"What do you mean you have to leave the village!? Where the hell are you going that's so important!?" She growled out. Kakashi blinked a bit at her sudden outburst but maintained his neutral face.

"I simply have some investigating to do and I'm not sure how long it's going to take." He replied. He remained calm on the outside but inside he was shaking a bit.

"We need you here Kakashi! You can't just go off and do a random investigation! We have Orochimaru and the damn Akatsuki to deal with! This is the worst possible time for you to be going!" She exclaimed. Kakashi suddenly got an idea when she said that. He simply chuckled.

"And the Akatsuki is exactly what I'm going to be investigating. I'm going to try and figure out their movement patterns and find a possible way to bring them down. Honestly, what did you think I was going to investigate? I'm not a pervert like Jiraiya is." He said while placing a hand behind his head. Tsunade still didn't look convinced. She simply growled and sat herself back down.

"Fine. Go do your random investigation but I expect reports regularly! Do you understand me!? If you start slacking on reports, I'll send someone out there to find you and I'll make them drag you back to this damn village! Do you understand me!?" She was clearly pissed off now but she had bought that Kakashi was going to investigate the Akatsuki. All he'd have to do is bust out reports on a regular basis to keep her satisfied. He just bowed out of respect.

"Of course. What kind of investigation would it be if I didn't keep you updated?" Kakashi asked with a slight chuckle. He stood himself upright and turned to head for the door.

"That reminds me. If I start to suspect you're hiding something, I'll send someone after you as well. Do you understand me?" She asked with a dark tone.

"I understand, Tsunade. You don't need to worry about a thing. I'll send you my first report as soon as possible. See you later." He chuckled softly and hurried out of the office before she decided to change her mind on letting him go.

Once he was outside, he let out a sigh of relief. He really thought he was going to have more of an issue than he did. He was just glad that it ended well and now he was going to be able to head out and meet up with Obito. As he was walking to the gate, he was suddenly grabbed an yanked back.

"Kakashi! Is it true that you're going out there by yourself!?" Guy had found him and was now clinging to the silver haired male for dear life.

"Oh my god, let go of me, Guy! I can handle myself out there!" Kakashi exclaimed as he forced himself away from the slightly taller male.

"I was listening to your entire conversation with Tsunade! You're really going to go track the damn Akatsuki alone!? What if they catch you!?" He asked. Kakashi just stared at his friend.

"Come on now, no one has ever been able to catch me. I'm not that easy to get ahold of. Have a little more faith in me, Guy." Kakashi replied with a small chuckle. Guy just sighed and crossed his arms before giving Kakashi a serious look.

"You better come back alive. If you don't I'll never forgive you." He said in a stern tone that caused Kakashi to laugh a bit more.

"Yeah, I got it. I'll come back soon. Just be good." He waved to his rival and turned away. Before Guy could grab him again, Kakashi took off. He ran out of the main gate and started hopping through the trees, heading straight for the Forest of Chakra, where he'd be meeting with Obito once again.

He knew doing this was pretty risky, especially if Tsunade really did find out what he was truly doing but if he kept playing at it like it was a serious investigation, it should keep her distracted so that Kakashi and Obito can do as they please.

Soon, Kakashi arrived at the Forest of Chakra. He looked around but didn't see any sign of Obito, not yet anyways. He decided to settle down by the same tree from last night while he waited for the other. He sighed quietly and pulled out his new book that he had yet to read. It would be a great way to pass the time while he waited.

After about an hour, Obito finally arrived. He wasn't wearing his mask or anything but he was wearing a robe that caught Kakashi's attention. A long black one that covered most of his body with red clouds that had a white outline. That robe looked a lot like the one Itachi had been wearing that day...which could only mean...

"You're part of the Akatsuki!?" Kakashi asked in disbelief.

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