Chapter 31-Returned for you 7/15 [ObiKaka]

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Kakashi groaned softly as he woke up the next morning. He scanned around the room he was in and tried to sit up, only to find that some kind of weight was holding him down. When he looked over, he saw that he was being held tightly by Obito. That's when everything came back to him. He remembered agreeing to go with Obito yesterday, agreeing to become his mate and everything. Kakashi's hand flew up to his neck. He could feel where Obito had bitten him. The spot was still a bit sore and so was his lower back.

He sighed quietly and looked toward the floor. He really didn't think that something like this was going to happen so soon but it apparently had and now it had. Of course he loved Obito more than anything and he remembered willingly submitting to the other and he also remembered telling the other that he loved him but none of that was his main concern. His main concern was when people found out about this, if they found out that is.

A sudden sigh distracted the silver haired male from his thoughts. When he looked over, he saw Obito staring at him with a curious expression. The raven sat up slowly and tilted his head before grinning a bit and tightening his hold on Kakashi, pulling him closer. "Are you trying to escape from me, Kakashi?" He asked with a gentle chuckle.

"Possibly but you're not letting go and I'm unfortunately too sore to make any kind of escape thanks to you." Kakashi replied while rolling his eyes. Obito chuckled a little more as he ran his fingers through Kakashi's silver hair.

"I'd say sorry but I'm really not sorry. I've been waiting to do that for years and I enjoyed it. I know you did too, even if you are a little sore afterwards." Obito sighed and finally released kakashi from his hold before he stood up and stretched out his body. Kakashi rolled his eyes and gave the raven a slight glare before he slowly forced himself out of the bed, groaning quietly as he did so.

The two of them got dressed and made their way out of the bedroom together. Obito went into the kitchen and started some coffee while Kakashi went into the living room area and settled down on the couch. He was curious to what the two of them were going to do today since it was their first full day together. He honestly just wanted a day to relax with his new mate, maybe something like shopping or even swimming.

"Kakashi, do you want some coffee?" Obito asked from the kitchen. The grey haired male turned toward the kitchen doorway.

"No thanks. I'll just take water." Kakashi replied before turning back around and running his fingers through his hair. Obito came in a couple minutes later and handed Kakashi a glass of ice water before he sat down beside the other with his coffee.

"So what do you want to do today?" The raven asked as he took a sip from his mug.

"I was thinking we could just do something relaxing today. Maybe we could do a little shopping or even go swimming. Something like that sounds pretty nice to me." Kakashi replied before pulling his mask down a bit to take a drink from his glass.

"That sounds fine to me. We can do both if you want. I just want to make you happy after all. We'll even go get some breakfast from somewhere if you're hungry. Just let me finish my coffee and get my mask then we'll go whenever you're ready." Obito smiled a bit as he reached over and gently ran his thumb across Kakashi's cheek. He was truly glad he decided to meet up with his old friend after all these years, even if he was a bit nervous about it all. He could already tell that he made a good choice. Once Obito finished his coffee, he got up and took his cup to the kitchen before retreating to the bedroom to get his mask so that they could head out.

Kakashi got up a few minutes after Obito did and he took his own glass to the kitchen. He sat it in the sink and rubbed his eyes. He had to remember to write Tsunade a letter later to tell her that everything was fine and that he hadn't found any Akatsuki members yet, even if that was a lie. He didn't want anyone in the Leaf Village to find out that he was actually with Obito. They'd all flip out and Tsunade would send someone to drag Kakashi home. Now that he and Obito were mated, that was something Kakashi wanted to avoid at all costs. He didn't know what they'd do to Obito if they ever found him.

He realized that he didn't just have Tsunade to worry about, he also had the other members of the Akatsuki to deal with. He didn't even want to think about how they'd react if they found out that he and Obito were together. They'd all be pissed and possibly try to kill Kakashi just to keep their organization safe, even if it was against Obito's approval. He knew this would be a difficult relationship to be in but he hoped that in the end everyone would approve and let them both be happy, but that seemed like a little much to ask.

"Are you ready, Kakashi?" Obito's voice pulled Kakashi out of his thoughts and he slowly turned toward the raven who was now wearing an orange mask with an opening over his right eye.

"Yeah I'm ready." Kakashi replied as he walked over and gently took the male's hand. Obito gave Kakashi's hand a gentle squeeze before they made their way toward the entrance of the cave. Obito used the jutsu that opened the door and together, the two of them made their way out of the cave and toward the nearest town to get some breakfast and to do a little shopping together, not knowing that near by, someone was watching the two of them with a shocked yet pissed off expression.

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