Chapter 19-Anodyne 1/1 [NaruSasu]

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This piece is dedicated to all my readers.

I understand it might not feel very personal, but it's important for me that you know I appreciate every single one of you, regardless of whether or not you voice your opinion afterward.

Warnings: Language, OOC, Pure crack (drug-induced behaviour and thoughts), Slash/BL, Typos and grammar, Lemon, sort of PWP (unintended), Alive Itachi (because I love his protective streak), Not beta-read

Notes: I had this whimsy... and it turned out to be crack, weird crack. Literally. Or it starts out like crack, and then it becomes a little saner at the end with a dash of PWP. Let's just excuse it with the fact that all drugs wear off eventually.

I'm not as pleased with this one as I am with Catharsis, but it does have its own sort of charm. And I had originally intended for this story to be K+, but then I got stuck at the end and solved everything with a lemon, so no... It's funny how things work out. Just consider the lemon a compensation for not getting one at the end of Kismet. I need practice anyway.

Still, I hope you enjoy!

Nora D: I feel pressured now due to your high expectations, so I hope I don't let you down with this. Anyway, your enthusiastic review was a real motivation for me, so thank you.

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto. If I did, this fiction would be a filler episode and the series would no longer be a show for kids.


Emphasis on a word


Sasuke had never before realised that the world could be so wonderfully fuzzy around the edges and glowing so brilliantly in the middle.

He blinked owlishly up at the ceiling. With the world tilted slightly on its axis, Sasuke was certain he had found his own sanctuary. 'So sparkly!' he thought elatedly. Who knew that the white hospital rooms could offer such divine tranquillity? Everything was just so wonderfully warm and welcoming, like a sprightly day. And... and was that a fly buzzing in his left ear?




It wasn't laying eggs, was it? Sasuke's nose crinkled in distaste. That would certainly ruin some of the room's heavenly appeal. Sakura had once told him that flies could lay eggs in cadavers. It was kind of the same thing. And through his ear, they would have direct access to his brain. What if they ate his brain and no one noticed until he was dead? His breath quickened at the thought as the raven tried to move his head, inching it to the side and away from the distressing buzz.

Sasuke knew he shouldn't panic. If anyone wanted to lay eggs on or in him, they would have to go through his brother first. But it was really hard to resist the urge to leap out of bed and run away from something that was trying to procreate in his ear.

Closing his eyes, Sasuke let the world fall off kilter and didn't even bother trying to right it. He was so hot. Like as if the room was on fire. He tried to focus on something else, and ended up giving all his attention to the low chiming sound in his left ear, dazedly wondering if the fly had mutated into a cricket. After all, crickets could sound like bells. Or was that a specific bird? Sasuke laughed to himself. His world was so odd right now, but at least the pain had disappeared.

He had hurt all over when he had been brought in.

Sasuke frowned.

No matter how much he tried to put his mind it, he could not for the life of him, remember why he had been blessed with that delightful experience. The only thing he knew for sure was that Naruto had carried him to the hospital, looking quite desperate. And that was something to carve into his memory for life. Sasuke had been quite touched when he had seen the worried expression on Naruto's face.

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