Chapter 22-Kismet 3/5 [NaruSasu]

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A very big thank you to: Antiquity Dolls, Azh Hikari, Dragon77, Akenhod, xXMewzikLuverXx, force majeur, sasunaru8080, Eztli, Hot-Emo-Athiest, unique94chick, Bacontheft, FMA-lover16, Sheridann, Sasuke Uzumaki 83, niceladysakura, for reviewing!

And, force majeur, of course it's weird that the new seal has no effect on the bond between Sasuke and Naruto. Weird indeed...

Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and no money comes from this. I plan to though. It's a part of my plan for world domination, but don't tell anyone.

Notes: I dropped the promised NaruSasu lime for some KakaIru action instead. Rejoice! Or cry. It's up to you... I had to cut it short though as I'm not sure where the line goes between explicit and non-explicit sex. Right now is not the time to break the rating rules, but I will figure it out before the next chapter comes up. And FYI, since Kakashi doesn't even know what Sharingan is, he will not be covering his left eye.


"Speech from the past"

Emphasis on a word

The word can be found in the dictionary on the bottom of this page

Chapter 3: Relative (a thing having a relation to or connection with or necessary dependence on another thing)

Sasuke lowered the kunai with a pale countenance. His mind was racing, desperately trying to come up with an adequate solution to his newfound problem. Naruto wasn't stupid! There was no way in hell he would be able to explain the black markings if he were caught. Naruto had at least some basic knowledge about seals and it was game over should he discuss it with Kakashi. Naruto would find a way to break the seal and strengthen the bond. And then Naruto would probably chain him down to a bed as his newest security measure.

Sasuke was panicking.

Why the hell did he like arm covers and t-shirts? Why hadn't he picked something with long sleeves? Anything! Orochimaru had said it would be a painful experience... Right now it was just a downright bother. A warning would have been nice. Or better yet, bandages to cover it up. This was a freaking suicide mission! Naruto would skin him alive and then all his efforts would have been for naught. That was a really bitter thought! Pulling uncomfortably on his arm covers in a vain attempt to hide his elbows, Sasuke was struck with this marvellously brilliant idea. It might even make Naruto less suspicious of him, and Iruka could pat his head for trying to communicate with his Bonded like a true adult.

Sneaking back to the tent, Sasuke quickly snuck under the blankets again. As soon as he was comfortable, he assessed the blonde beside him, carefully analysing the best way to approach the sleeping man. After weighing his options, Sasuke had to admit that the best way was probably to act coy. Well, he was already really uncomfortable and the seal was acting up again, starting a new bout of discomfort. Stretching out a tentative hand, Sasuke gently prodded the blonde's side. The blonde would hopefully be too sleepy to bother with him more than what was absolutely necessary.

Naruto frowned when Sasuke's insistent prodding never ceased. He rolled over the face the raven-haired man and whispered a muffled "what?" as he opened a bleary eye to the world for Sasuke to focus on. "Naruto, I'm cold," the youngest Uchiha replied quietly, shivering for added effect, "Can I borrow your jacket?" he finished, trying his best to look as desperate as he was. Naruto was silent for a moment as the words were processed in his brain before he clumsily shrugged off his jacket in the small space and tossed it in Sasuke's general direction. "Thanks," Sasuke muttered gratefully as he grabbed the horrible orange-coloured jacket as if it was a lifesaver. Let it not be forgotten that it actually was Sasuke's currently only lifesaver, and for that, Sasuke could admit he owed the blonde a small one now, although he would never tell anyone that.

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