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Felix wake up exactly on 6.00am. Realizing that hyungjin strong arms are still wrapping around his waist, he carefully slid the older arms away. Carefully not to wake him up, felix went into the bathroom and clean himself.

The sound that was made by plate and spoon being place together was filling the big mansion. Humming softly, felix keeps baking the pancakes batter he made earlier. To immerse in his cooking, he didn't realize there's someone watching him from behind. When he turns around to put the already cooked pancake, he squeaked a little.

"Omma!" felix sigh in relief.

"Did I scare you?" His mother in law ask softly.

"No..I'm just a little bit shocked. hehe."

"That's great. What are you doing this morning?"

"A butterscotch pancake with honey"

"hmm... I can see that. How sweet of you to make hyunjin favorite"

"Eh-ehhh? I-I never knew it?"

"Haha.. why do you need to be so cute felix ah? I didn't make a wrong choice marrying my son to you. You just too cute" his mother in law come and pinched his cheeks.

Felix can't help the blush that forming on his high bone cheeks, alongside with his cute little freckles.


"Can I take more?" hyunjin asks as he look at felix who were busying placing some pancakes on the plate for his mother in law.

"Uh.. sure.. here.." he handed him the plate but the latter frowned.

"Why you didn't give it to me like mom? I'm your husband" hyunjin pout.

"Oh? Sorry..." quickly felix place the another pancakes on his plate. His mother just chuckles at his son behaviour.

"Don't mind him. He always grumpy like that. Sit down and eat. You're getting thinner." Nodding slowly felix sit while bit his lips. He didn't even look at his husband who just keep looking at him.

"Mr.Hwang? Stop staring at him. I know he is pure beauty." His mother chuckle again. Not to mention felix cheeks spread with pinkish roses right now

"am not. I'll go first" hyunjin said while quickly get up and cleaned his lips.

"I'll send you" the younger quickly said while catching up to hyunjin who were already in front of the door.

"I'll go" hyunjin hands reached forward and pull felix just to mashed up their lips together. felix widen his eyes in suprise and place his hands on hyunjin chest to push him off. But he is stronger than him.

"don't. Mom is watching" hyunjin whisper after he broke the kiss.

"um..hey" felix call him out when he just about to get inside his car.


"Can I go out today?"

"Did you need to ask me that? If you need to go out, just go out. It's your life. I don't need to know that shit" with that he slammed the door leaving stunned felix.

The younger heart aches a little. He knows already that hyunjin did not like him at the first place, but he tries and try to acting like a perfect husband he is.

But then again, hyunjin ignore all his effort.


"baby." a sweet voice called hyunjin out while he was busy checking on his document.

"Yeah?" hyunjin smile when he saw his beautiful girlfriend come inside while bring in his coffee.

"Busy?" She asks while putting the cup down.

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