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"what are you making today?" Hyunjin ask while hug the younger from behind. Felix stiffened at the sudden contact.

"I-i'm doin' some pancake.."

"Huh? pancake? You never taking some interest in pancake. Why suddenly?"

"I just feel like to ea-"

Sudden cough can be heard from the other side. There's Soojin standing while crossing her arm. Immediately Hyunjin let go of him.

"wake up already? Wanna eat something?"

"I smell something delicious, what was that?" she ask while eyeing Felix

"Oh, Felix just making some pancakes for breakfast. Wanna join?"

"Oh? Pancakes! I love them! Make sure to made it enough for me cause you know I am eating for two right?"

Felix decide not to say anything, and just proceed in making the pancakes.

After awhile, Felix finally finished cooking and place the pancakes on the table. He ask both of them to joined and have the breakfast together.

"oh? umm could you please get my phone upstairs?" Soojin ask as Felix take a seat.

"why don't you get it yourself?" Hyunjin ask

"Baby, i'm pregnant, and I can't be walking to much. It makes our baby stressed" she whined

"I'll take it for you" as Hyunjin get up to take her phone, she quickly grabs his sleeve

"no! I want you here with me baby~"

"but you need your phone right?" he ask again

"I want it...but I doesn't have to be YOU who take it" she emphasis on that while side eyeing Felix.

Understood, Felix get up and walk away from the kitchen. "I'll take it for you. Which one is it?"

Not hearing any answer he quickly walk upstairs. His stomach rumbles but he need to get that phone quickly.

"let's eat later baby" he smile while rubs his now visible bump. It's not that obvious but if you watch it carefully you can see a little bump forming.


"Umm.. I can't find your phone, where is it? Did you misplaced it?" Felix ask as he walk downstairs.

"nevermind, I forgot that I bring it on with me" she said while waving his phone.

Felix feels like he was being toyed. Biting his lips so that he won't burst out. Taking his seat on the chair, he stared at the empty plate,

"where's the pancakes?" he ask

"oh? sorry. It was too delicious, I forgot that I ate it all" she said while smirking at him.

Felix was taken aback, his eyes waver but he holds it in. How come they can eat it all without save it for him.

"You can have mine Felix. Here" Hyunjin offers his plate but Felix refuse it

"You still didn't eat yet. Eat it, i'm okay. I can make some later" Felix fake a smile.

His stomach rumbles, but he held it in. 'let's eat later baby'.

"oh and one more thing, could you please bake me some brownie? I've been craving some, but too lazy to go out" Soojin ask again,

"-what?" Felix just stared at her

"Babe, don't.. I can just go out and buy you some" Hyunjin tug on her sleeve.

"if you say so" she shrugged before went upstairs.

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