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Felix get out from his room and goes straight to the kitchen to make some breakfast for himself. He just ate some snacks inside his room, but he feels hungry more.

Tiptoeing trying to get the bowl on the cabinet that was place a bit higher than his height. 'bless you for being short!' he sigh as tries again.

He was alone inside the house, Hyunjin had gone out early this morning with Soojin, saying that she need to visit her parents.

Felix rubs his bump slowly. "I will make delicious meal for you okay? Eat well my love" he smile again as he wait for the rice to cook.


Chan groaned when his phone ring. Annoyed he picks up "...what do you want?"


Chan straight up after hearing that voice. The voice he had been longing, the voice that had been his misery these few weeks.


"Yeah, that's me..I know I had been bad to you but, can we meet?"

"Y-you're here?"

"I will be back tomorrow and explain all to you"

"you better be!" Chan laugh

He can hear the others chuckles too "arite.. see you tomorrow"

With that he shut the phone and giggling earning an eyebrow raise from Changbin

"good news?"

"she's coming back tomorrow"


Felix wake up when he feels someone was stroking his face. Opened his eye, and meet with a pair of brown orbs that looking straight at him. Sitting up abruptly, he widen his eyes 'hyunjin!'

As Felix wants to get up and run from the scene, Hyunjin grabs his wrist. Reeks of alcohol greet his nostrils. 'he's drunk!'

Falling back onto the couch, Hyunjin pins him. Caging him between his muscular arm. Felix gulped nervously. "w-what are you doing?"

"why...just why?" Hyunjin didn't say much as he still looking straight into his eyes.

"..why what?"

"why are you avoiding me?"

Felix eyebrows scrunched. "shouldn't I be avoiding you?"

"WHY!!" Hyunjin start to raised his voice makes the smaller flinch.

"l-let me go Hyunjin-ah.. you're drunk"

"i'm not until you tell me what's the reason is!"

Felix didn't say as he still trashing, pushing the older away. But his strength didn't match him.

"please..let me go..enough of making me suffers.." he pleads.

Hyunjin face softened and slowly retreat his hands back, "I-i'm sorry.. I didn't meant to!"

Felix sit up and rubs his wrist. "where's she?"

"at her parent house. She will be coming back tomorrow"

Felix didn't say anything. He just stood still at the couch.

"..have you ever considered my feelings Hyunjin-ah?" He started

Hyunjin look up at him "I—"

"have you? Anything you've done, everything you have said I've been endure this all the time. Did you have consciousnesses about me? Please...I'm tired.."

"I'm sorry..."

"Sorry isn't enough, you've break my heart million times already.."

"I knew what I have done isn't forgivable, but please..please Felix.."

"you know..we better separated.."

Hyunjin eyes widen "no!" he sat up abruptly.

Felix stands to and face him "just let me go, and we live in our own way.."

Hyunjin face darken, "and let you go with another man?! NO!!"

"Listen! I'm not a fucking toys! I have heart and feelings too! Did you..." Felix chocked up on his tears

"Did you possibly cares about my feelings? Did you care about what happens to me?! Did you?!!"

Hyunjin nostrils flares as he look at Felix "but I love you!"

"bullshit! At least I can go to a man that love and cherish me! Just let me go!"

*slap!* Felix eyes widen as he cup his face. Hyunjin has slap him


"Say that once again and I show you no mercy! And who the fuck is that guy? Is it that fucking Chris?"

"Chan hyung has nothing to do with this!" Felix argue back

"Then who?! I know you two been fucking around behind my back! After all these years, why shouldn't I do the same to you? We're equal now!"

Felix didn't say much, a sudden punch greet Hyunjin's left cheeks, but it's not strong enough to make him fall back.

Furiously, Hyunjin push him back with a strong force making the smaller stomach collides with the table. Immediately he clutches his belly. 'my baby!'

Sudden rush of adrenaline hits him, he feels waves of nausea, and his stomachs hurts! 'No! It can't be!"

"Arkh—" Felix clutches his stomach more as pain taking over him

"H-hey! Felix..I'm sorry!" Hyunjin drop on his knees, placing one hand on the smaller shoulder.

"Stay away from me—arkhh!" the pain worst now.

Suddenly he feels that his pants are wet, looking down on his legs, there's blood staining his creme pants.



Hey Hey 👋🏻

Another update 😁

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