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"So you're Hyunjin right?" Leeknow ask as he handed him a coffee

Instead of answering, he just nod his head.

"Drink it. It's on me"

"thank you" He take a sip

"you must be Felix's husband right?"

"h-how did you know?"

"He's my patient, but what's with the girl before? Isn't she's your wife?"

Hyunjin didn't answer. He had his head down.

"don't worry. He's in good hand."

Hyunjin snap to look at him "h-how's? I need to see him!!"

"please..he's been hurting enough. Give him space first. Let him heal"

"I-i've need to ask for his apologies! Please doctor! I need to see him!"

"Leeknow, just call me Leeknow. I know you want to ask his apology, but please let him be. Beside he already in a good hand. Someone is really take care for him. I'm pretty sure he will talk to you when the time is. Just give him time."

Hyunjin didn't say anything as he fall back onto the chair. "I really messed up this time..but could you help me?"

Leeknow just raise his eyebrow at him

"please do that.."

"you want to proceed?"

Hyunjin just nod at him. He need to know the truth, he can't let Felix hurting more than this. He needs to stop all this.


𖣘After 5months𖣘
{I'm sorry I had to skip to 5months later.}


"whose the big guy huh?" Felix tickle his baby after give him a bottle of milk. He had give birth to a very healthy baby boy.

A sudden ring of bell make him jumps on his seat, running in tiny he open the door, only to find Chan who sheepishly smiling with his wife

"we coming to see our little Hyun" Chan handed him a plastic bag of baby's groceries as they passed a small shop in the town

"Awww, look at his tiny hands" Chan coos at Hyun.

"Carefull, he just had his milk. Trust me you don't wanna get his." Felix chuckles as he made tea for both of them.

"let me just burp him" Chan slowly picks Hyun and place on his shoulder. Tapping on the baby's backside trying to make him burp.

"Are you hinting me that noona is..." Felix look at both of them

"No-no!! We still didn't have it" Evelyn says as she take a sip of the tea

"You will soon" Felix reassured her.

"ah, before I forget. Chan hyung, I had been interviewed for work but the main problem is. I still can't afford his nanny.."

"aww, don't worry Felix. Send him to my house. Beside, you beloved brother her didn't let me working anymore. So I had nothing to do at home. Let me look after him"

"Really noona? But, I still didn't get the first payment yet-"

"don't worry bout that. I don't need the money. My husband here is loaded. Right honey~"

"Yeah! We just need this little buddy's growth healthily as for payment"

Hyun just giggles as Chan's keeps tickling his belly. Felix smiles at them, he feels thankful to have a very understanding person beside him.

"Uh-oh...Felix....I think..he's..." Chan stoned as he feels his left shoulder hot and sticky. Hyun finally let out his big burp.


"How could you do this?!!" Soojin ask as she throws the paper on top of his desk

"owh, so you finally see it?"

"what's the meaning of all this Hyunjin?!" she crossed her arms.

"As you can see it.." he smirked

"I don't get it..." her nostrils flares as she grips the paper

"Are you dumb? Stop pretending Soojin. I knew it all."

Soojin gulps nervously, "but I love you Hyunjin.. I love you so much.."

"stop it Soojin..leave me alone. I don't need that child!"

"it's yours!! why can't you believe it?! The results are fake!!" she shouted tears already brimming.

"The child wasn't mine.. She didn't have my genes at all..and you should know that Soojin!"

"but please!! Don't leave me! I love you Hyunjin!!"

"enough! and please get out before I call the security."

She glares at him "you heartless bastard!"

"oh and you can get your things. I already ask maid to pack it up all. Goodbye Soojin" he wave her.

Stomping her feet she went out from the building "if I can't get you, no one! Not even that bitch!"



"the results has come out. You want me to email it to you?"

"yes please."

"alright, check your mail later"

"thank you Leeknow"

With that Hyunjin close the call. He rubs his face and let out a big sigh. A tap on his shoulder make him look up

"what's wrong honey?" Mrs.Hwang spoke as she place him a cup of tea

"the results has come out."

"I see.. If it isn't thats a good news but if it is.. what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know mom.. Guess I should go for it"

"but Hyunjin.. has you seen Felix?"

"No mom.. After Leeknow said he needs time for himself, I didn't approach him at all. I tried calling him, but no avails. I tried texting him, still didn't get any replied..I don't know what to do anymore mom.." He sobs

"he needs time..trust me" Mrs.Hwang patted his back.

"I will mom.. I will find him and make up for all the wrongdoings.. I will mom.."

*End of flashback*


Another update 🙃

yeayy I guess..🙃

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