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"well..welcome home Felix" Chan says as he open the door for him

"thanks Hyung.." seeing the younger struggles while brings his luggage, he decide to take action.

"here lemme help you with"

"ah, no need Hyung! I can take it myself"

"nuh-uh! not until you fully recovered! Remember the doctor says that you cannot do any hardwork"

Felix didn't say anything. He knows its useless arguing with Chan, cause in the end he always winning. "thanks Hyung"

"well makes yourself home. I'm gonna wash up and then we'll eat dinner okay?"



As Hyunjin car park inside his family garage, he went beside to opened the door for Soojin.

"Let's go"

"wow! What a big house you got here" she exclaimed

'Felix never said anything like this. Why do I think of him?!' shaking his head, he walk inside the house followed by Soojin.

The maid bows their head when they saw Hyunjin entered. Soojin watch in amusement while flipping her hair at them. "Yes right! You should bow down to me too! I'm gonna be a madam here too!"

The maids whispering with each other, mention how they didn't like her attitude and so on. "isn't that young master already married? What's with that girl?"

"maybe something happened?"

"oh poor Felix. He didn't deserve this"

"ehem!" a sudden voice makes they turns

"we're sorry madam.." they bow down as scurrying to do their job.


"so..why are you coming here?" Mrs.Hwang ask when they sit on the couch. She eyed Soojin but the said girl wasn't paying any attention.

"I'm asking for your blessing to marry her mom."


"yes mom! I need your blessing to marrying her!"

"are you out of your mind Hyunjin!! How about Felix?!"

"we're gonna divorce.."

"w-what..how can you do that?!" her voice wavers.

"beside..she's carrying my child mom.."

Another shocked confession from his son makes Mrs.Hwang clutches her chest.

"Oh God! What is this!"

"i'm sorry mom.. but she is carrying my child right now..So I need to take responsibility for that.."

"and Felix?? Wasn't he carrying your child to?!"

"he's disgusting mom! That child definitely be weird if it coming from a man—"


"don't you dare speak up like that at him!! If you didn't have anything to say, get out! Get out from this house!"

Hyunjin clench his fist. He poke his left cheek after being slapped by his mom. Of course he would expect this to be.

"Come Soojin! Let's go back"

"if you want my blessing, marry her after the child was born"

Hyunjin halt his moves. He turn back to his mother "..what?"

"I'm pretty sure you've heard me. And you!" she pointed out at Soojin

"y-yes mom!"

"don't you mommy me! Who are you to call me that? I'm Mrs.Hwang to you! And listen here, I'm watching you!"

With that she walk away from the scene, leaving Soojin who only glares dagger at her "what an arrogant old lady!"

"she's my mom! And I don't need your insult" Hyunjin says looking straight at her

"I-I'm sorry babe..I was to angry at her..i'm sorry"

Without saying anything, he walk out from the house. Going back to his own house, follows by Soojin.

"I'm sorry Felix..I couldn't protect you love..I'm sorry too Hyena that your son needs to suffers like this..I'm such a failure..I'm sorry"

Mrs.Hwang keeps crying and sobbing on her bed. While looking at their picture which is Felix's mom and her holding their only child together.


"Chan hyung! Dinner's ready!"

"what did you cook? Smells delicious!"

"simple meal only.." the younger blush at the given compliment by Chan.

"hyung..I need to move out soon.."

Chan move halted "so soon?"

"help me finding a house hyung. I don't want to be a burden to you"

"Felix..Listen here.. you're not a burden to me..Beside it's pretty boring to live here alone.."

"and let people speak that you staying with me, a pregnant male..yet you're not my husband.."

"why would you care what people say? I can fakely said that I am your husband"

"No hyung! That's wrong. I don't want it like that..please hyung.."

Chan let out big sigh "if you insist"

"thanks Chan hyung"


Another update?

yeayy ❤️‍🩹

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