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"hyung..how's them?" Felix ask as he serve Chan a mug of hot choco

"the twins are safe! A boy and a girl"

"waa..that's good news! What about Jisungie?"

Chan bite his lips. "that's the problem is. After giving birth, he still didn't conscious..That's the consequences of male pregnancies.."

Felix didn't say anything. He bite his lips, afraid of what Chan had told him.

"no worries Lixie.. I'm pretty sure he'll wake up soon. He's a strong boy and momma" the younger just nods and give him a little smile


"what are you thinking of?" Soojin ask as she wrapped her arm on Hyunjin waist. Cuddling him as they gonna sleep

"..Did you..possibly know about Felix's?"

Soojin stiffened "about what?"

"his pregnancy..Are you saying that day you met someone is him?"


"why you hide it from me? Why aren't you telling me?"

"I want to do so.. But you know it before hand.."

"how long has he?"

"If i'm not mistaken, he already 7months.."

"which mean, you are 6s?"

"..yes..but! why are you suddenly asking about him?"

"...I just wanna ask.."

"..hey babe"

Instead of answering Hyunjin just hummed

"Felix already get out from this house, but where is he staying at?"

"for what reason you want to know?" he raise his eyebrow

"nothing..I just pity him.."

"..why suddenly-?"

"I don't know..Maybe it was my mood swing..but I seriously pity him..with him being pregnant and all..and he also didn't have job.."

"you're thinking too much..let's just sleep Soojin-ah.."


It's already weekend and Soojin back to her parent house. Leave alone Hyunjin inside that empty big house.

His stomach growls loudly since the clock tick's exactly at 12.00pm. He roll his eyes and walk straight towards Felix's room.

He knock on it "Felix!! Cook something for me!!" waiting for few minutes he still didn't get any response.

"Felix!!! Couldn't you hear me? I said cook something for me!!"

He knocked again this time, louder than before. Still didn't get any answer. He roughly open the door "Felix I said—!"


Only silence greets him. The room also dimmed and lose it's bright side. "ahh..he's gone.."

Hyunjin grabs the door handle tightly. There's something about the younger disappearance ache him.

He roams inside the room. How long he hasn't been here. He stared at Felix's wardrobe, touching the clothes. His eyes roamed around the room then landed on a book.

'his diary'

Hyunjin grabs then walk outside. Sitting himself on the couch forgetting about his hunger.

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