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The sound of the medical monitor wakes Felix up. First thing he saw was a bright white lights that burn his eyes. The smell of medicine inform him that he were at the hospital.

Feeling someone who were tightly hold his hands make he turn at him. He saw Hyunjin who has his head down onto the floor while his fingers still clasp together with him.

"H-hyunjin ahh" He voices out.

Felix voice was so hoarse. It's dry and painful. Quickly Hyunjin head shot up and panicked

"Y-you're awake?! Need me to call the doctor?"

Felix shakes his head weakly "n-no need. Where's Hyunwoo? Is he okay"

Hyunjin nods "he's alright. Chan hyung bring him back since he was having a tantrum when you didn't wake up."

"I see.."

"Thank goodness Felix. You finally wake up. The hit wasn't so major, but you will have some bruise for quite time."

Felix just smile weakly at him. He caress the elder left cheek. "I'm sorry"

"For what? It's not your fault. I need to know who's the culprit. If needed, I'll bring it down with my own hands."

"Don't do anything recklessly please. Let the police do their job, I don't want to lose my husband anymore"

*sigh* "if you say so. I won't. Do you want to eat something? Or drink?"

"A water would be enough,"

"Alright, let me just get one for you"


While Hyunjin was out his phone ringing. Frowning while looking at the unknown caller he pick it up.


"May I speak to Mr.Hwang?"


"This is Leedo from the police station, I would like to ask you few questions about the incident. Would be nice if you can give us a visit in the office."

"Sure! I can do that. I will be there by 2 o'clock"

"Thank you Mr.Hwang. I will wait for you at here"

"Sure. Thank you"

With that he end the call. Someone tap his shoulder make him turn around. Rolling his eyes when he saw who is it


"What do you want Soojin?"

"Can't I just say hi to you?"

"What are you doing here?"

"I was coming for our daughter check up—"

"Correction! Your daughter not our daughter!" he pointed at her


"Enough! I don't want to hear any word from you again. Now excuse me" rolling his eyes he walk out from there.

Leaving a furious Soojin who glared at his back. She grab one of the nurses who walk past her. "um hey, excuse me"

The nurse bow a little at her "anything you need mrs?"

"Did you happen to know the man who walked past by you just now?"

She pointed out at Hyunjin. The nurse nod her head "ahh, that man. He was here to accompany his wife. He was injured badly, it says he was attack by unknown man."

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