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"Chan hyung, I need you now"

"i'll come in sec-"

"no! I'll go to you"

"if in that case, I'm outside. Meet me at jycafe"


Wiping his tears Felix decide to go out and meet Chan, his only one older brother. They're not related by blood, but the bonding between those two are incredible.

"where are you going?" Hyunjin ask as he saw the younger grabs his wallet

"none of your business"

"I ASK WHERE ARE YOU GOING?!" Hyunjin grab his wrist a little bit too hard makes Felix wince.

"I-i'm going out..To see my friend.."

"who?" he still didn't let go

"C-chan hyung..let go of me please-"

"for what?"

"seriously Hyunjin? Can't I go out freely? It's not your business whoever I am meeting with. Or whoever I am be with, just please. I'm tired with this game"

Hyunjin seems hesitant at first. The grip on Felix wrist somehow slowly loose and immediately Felix pulls it back.

"I ask because you was my husband, and I have the right to know where are you going"

"am I still your husband?" Felix ask while pointing out at himself.

"If I am still your husband, you won't cheat on me like this. You won't do this all Hyunjin."


"whatever.. I need to go, my time are wasted"


Around 20minutes later, Felix arrive at jycafe. His face look so gloomy. His eyes search around for Chan but found nothing.

"hey Felix! Here!"

Turning towards the sound, smile immediately forms on his face, "Chan hyung!"

"How long is it since we hang out together?" Chan tease but silence after he saw the younger was all down.

"You're okay mate?"

Felix shake his head before sobbing out aloud, few customer who were at that cafe turn to look at them. Panicked, Chan try to shush the younger down.

"Hey-why are you crying? People might think that I do something bad to you"

*hiks...* Felix just sobs harder

"Oh gosh.." Chan keeps patting his back, try to soothe him from whatever he feels right now.

After few good minutes, Felix finally stop crying and look at Chan's face. His eyes so puffy and his nose are red.

"I don't know what is your situation right now Felix, but please tell me what's wrong. It hurt me to see you like this"

"I'm..hurt..hyung..so much.." another tear escape again.

"Here, wipe that tears" Chan handed him a box of tissues.

"tell me when you are ready"


Hyunjin POV

"is this the right choice? Did I make the right decision?" I ask myself while looking at the picture of us.

"I'm sorry Felix.. I'm so so sorry.."

A sudden ring from my phone makes me jump in my chair. "Hello"

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