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"Hello? Felix?"

"..umm..Hi Hyunjin"

"What's the matter? Is something happen to Hyunwoo again?" his voice lace with panic.

"No.. nothing happened, he's healthy. I just want to ask you something"

"Go ahead. What is it?"

"Um..Do you want to..Come over here?"

Hyunjin was too stunned, never ever in his life he would think that Felix would be asking for him to come again.

"Are you there?"

"Y-yeah! I am..Did something happened actually? Why do you need me to come?"

"I want to say something to you. But I think it's better if we talk face to face."

"Sure! I'll be by 9"

"Thanks Hyunnie"

After Felix cut the line, Hyunjin eyes widen in shock. It's been ages since he heard the 'Hyunnie' nickname. And oh how he missed that nickname coming out from Felix's mouth.


"You did a great job there Chris. I know its a hard decision but you did it right."

"I am?"

"yes you are. You did great, I pity Felix. It's true that Hyunjin make mistake, but I believe he's change, and I'm sure Felix knows that too."

"I don't know about that. But I swear if that bastard lay a hand again on my Lix, I will personally cut him into pieces"

"And I'm pretty sure that he wouldn't do that again."


Felix bite his lips nervously, its been a while since he last seeing him. His ex husband. 'is this the right decision? Is this okay?' he keeps biting his fingernails as the word repeats inside his head. Not when sudden ring of bell interrupts him.

"He's here!" rushes toward the door, he open it within seconds.

There is Hyunjin. Wearing a big size hoodie and grey sweatpants. He smile awkwardly at him.


Felix nod and open the door wide, inviting him inside the house. "I bring you some cake. Your favourite"

"thank you. Have a seat first, let me serve you some coffee. Would you like some?"


"3spoon of coffee and without sugar right?"

Hyunjin blush "you still remember"

"and how could I forget?"

After awhile the drink was serve and also Felix puts the cake on some plate, "Hey..this might be awkward but, I'm sorry"

Hyunjin look up at him. Felix look so nervous, he keeps playing with his fingers on his lap. Hyunjin smile and take his hand rubbing them together, to share some warmth.

"No..I am the one who should apologise to you. I have done worst. Abandoning you while I was blinded by other woman. I'm such a fool. Leaving you all alone, fighting for live with our smol baby. I'm the worst. Totally worst. I did not deserve you."

Felix feels his hand wet. Looking at Hyunjin, the latter was crying and sobbing onto his hands. His heart wrenchs at the sight. Slowly he brings the older towards him. Hugging him as he also shed some tears.

"I forgive you.."

Hyunjin head shots up looking straight at him. Staring into the hazel brown orb that still have the same sparkling whenever they met. He chocked on his own tears. "I— I didn't believe it.."

Felix smile and hug him "believe me. I am"

"Thank you.. thank you so much Felix. I don't know about you, but I am still love you Felix. I love you so much. I swear this time, I will always love you no matter what happens, till death separates us apart-"

"shh.. Don't say like that.. I don't like the death word." Felix place his finger on Hyunjin lips to shut him off.

"Sorry.. I won't say it again, but where is little buddy?"

"oh! He's with Chan hyung.."

It clicked on Hyunjin's mind that Chan taking Hyunwoo just to let him and Felix get back again. "so? This is mean just us two? For we to get back again?"

Felix nods a little, his face immediately forms darker shade of pink. Hyunjin chuckles and bring the younger in tight hug. "I'm sorry, i'm truly sorry. Let me redeemed myself to you."

Felix reply the hug back. Oh how he missed this. How he missed Hyunjin's hug, Hyunjin backside. He missed all part of him. He takes a deep breath, inhaling Hyunjin sweet musk of colognes. The masculine one.

"I missed you."

"Me too love. I missed you so much.. let's start a new chapter again."


"Let's go on a date tomorrow. Let's start a new chapter again, with you, me and our little angel." Hyunjin said as he run through his fingers on Felix soft dark hair. He place a kiss on top of his head.

Felix being the shy cat, nods shyly at him and intertwines the other fingers together. "I really miss you so much. All this time i've been lying to myself. Telling myself that I don't need you at all. That I hate you, but every night every day I still can't help to think about you. I never submitted the signed paper."

"wait! what?" Hyunjin push him a little while grabs both of his side

"the divorce paper. I never submitted it. I still have it on my drawer"

Hyunjin eyes began to water again. "Ohh I thought we already divorced! I bawled myself that night, regretting all my mistake."

"I'm sorry, but... I will submit it if you try to do something!"

"I won't.. and I won't be.. This is my last chance, so I need to treasure this."

Hyunjin cups Felix face, looking straight into the younger eyes. Travelling all over his face until it lands on the plump feline lips. Licking his own lip, he ask "can I?"

Felix didn't answer, he just nod. And Hyunjin didn't waste any seconds as he dive straight onto his target.

How long that he had been longing for this moment. The moment when he can finally taste this lips again.

The two moves slowly, savouring the momentum. Not until Hyunjin bite the lower lip as asking for permission. Felix gladly open his mouth slightly, enough for Hyunjin to explore the hot cavern.

His arm immediately swings and grabs onto Hyunjin shoulder, deepening the kiss more. The latter roams his hand inside Felix's shirt. Feeling the soft skin, while still smooching and bite his neck decorating it with his art.

A string of saliva connecting between those two as Felix pants out of breath. "You're such a good kisser.." he mumble softly.

Hyunjin libido raise, he quickly push the smaller onto the couch. "am I?" he ask as lowering down inching their face together until his hot breath hitting Felix's. The smaller nods as he panting.

"yeah, no one can replace your kiss"



Hey...new chapter again..

Enjoy the noms until less than few chapter left for this book before I ended it..Thank you for your patience

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