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"I-I'm sorry sir! Didn't mean it!"

"You have no eyes?!" the man said back as Felix accidentally drop a coffee on of his sweater.

"I-I'm really sorry Sir!"

"Do you know how much this cost it?"

"Didn't know Sir.." Felix shakes his head

"It cost more than you can afford! Tch! Now how am I supposed to clean this?! It can't be simply clean like that!" the man grunt

Felix bite his lips as he keeps bowing to the older as an apologist. "My apologies Sir! I really didn't mean to ruin your sweater"

"If you really sorry, pay me 300$!"

"w-what? I don't have that money.."

"you what?! you're the one who make this mess and then didn't want to responsible for it?!" the man clicked his tongue.

That road who were quiet just now fully crowded with passerby. They whispering and gossiping at two of them.

"I'm really sorry Sir. I don't have that much money.."

"What?!! You little shitt!!" the man raised his hand

Felix flinch as he was waiting for the impact but none. Slowly he opens his eyes and met with someone was holding the man arm.

"I will call the police if you use violence Sir!"

'Hyunjin?!' Felix eyes widen as he can't believe the man who protect him was his ex husband.

"who are you?!" the man angrily said

"it doesn't matter. Here take this money and don't ever show your face again!"

Hyunjin throw the money upon that man face and grabs Felix wrist to run from the scene. Running away from the angry man.


"H-hyunjin! Let me go!"

"Is this how you repay after someone save you?"

"I didn't ask to be saved, and I don't need YOU to save me!" Felix raise his voice and start to walk away.

"Felix! Wait!"

"Don't touch me!" he slapped Hyunjin hands away while still glaring at him.

The latter look a bit tad hurt while retreat his hands back "I-I'm sorry.."

"Whatever!" Felix want to go away, didn't want to stay longer than this. Facing the man who he had once loved so dearly, the one who is the father of his child.

"Please! Felix! Hear me out!"

Felix didn't wait any second as he sprint away, running from the taller. After running for a while, he finally come to a stop and clutches his rapidly beating heart. "how unfit that I am." tries to catches his breath as he fans his face.

He winces slightly at the pain on his lower abdomen, which is the caesar scar. He's still not. completely heals. The doctor had advised him to not do any hardwork or any heavy exercise afraid that it would be affecting the healing process.

Stumbling with keys as he open the door, he suddenly feels some presences. He turn around but found no one. "it's weird"

Walking inside, not forget to lock the door he lazily lay on the couch. Looking at the clock, it's time for his baby to come home.

*ding dong*

"speaking of that~" he happily skipped over to the door only to find a panicked Chan while holding Hyunwoo.

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