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*words that were write in bold means they speak English*


"Please Sir! Help me!" 

Chan was startled when someone was grabbing his arm make him spun the way. He unplugged the earbuds he has been wearing it.


"please help me! Someone was following me!"

Chan raise his eyebrows towards the stranger. He take a look at the weird guy who wears all black before shielding the stranger behind his back.

"who are you?" he sternly ask the mask man. Without saying anything, the mask man just turn on his heels and walk away leaving the scene.

"Are you okay?"

"oh? I'm shocked to hear that you can speak English. I'm okay btw. Sorry for the rudeness, and thanks for helping me" the stranger says while bows down

"don't mention it. If you don't mind, I can accompany you. Who know he might be waiting for you on the other way"

"Are you sure about this? I don't want to burden you. I think he's gone"

"I insist Miss"

The stranger shyly nods as the walk side by side. It's neared 1am. Which is no wonder why she was being followed, maybe that mask man was a drunkard.

"ehem..If you don't mind, would you tell me your name miss?"

"oh, sorry.. I'm Evelyn, and you are?"

"just call me Chris. Christopher Chan"

"ahh, I see. Nice to meet you Chris."

"if it you don't mind, can I ask where you from? Cuz you don't seems like from Korea"

"nahh it's okay. Actually I'm from Brisbane, coming here cause I work as dance instructor"

"I see-so wait? Are we going towards the same house?" Both of them look at each other and then smiles. Seeing the girl smile somehow make Chan pleasant.

"you live here too?" Chan ask as they walk inside.

"yeah, what floor? I'm on the 7th floor"

"don't tell me-which number?"

"um B-025"

"ahh, so we are neighbor's. I live the next door 026" he said as he pressed the floor button inside the elevator.

"I never thought someone live beside my house, don't get me any wrong. It just that I didn't see you."

Chan just chuckle while walks towards their house together.


~ 5 months later~

"Good morning love~ have a good sleep?" Hyunjin pecks Felix freckles.

"yeah, but somehow I feel nauseous. I don't know why, maybe I eat something wrong" Felix eyebrows knitted together as he rubs his belly. Feeling the waves of nausea hit him again.

"you okay love? Want to go to the hospital? I can take leave"

"no, it's okay. You don't have too. I think I'll be good after eating some medicine."

"you sure?"

Felix nods as he get up from the bed to do his routine followed by Hyunjin.


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