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Final Chapter

"I'm sorry Sir. But he insists on coming with me"

"it's okay, I understand his worries. If you ready, let's go"

Around 45minutes of drive, they finally arrive at Soojin house. Felix eyeing his husband. He looks nervous and afraid. Quickly he takes Hyunjin hands and squeeze together, assuring him nothing will be happens to him.

Let out a big sigh, he brush off his coats a little and went inside. The officer was waiting inside the car with Felix, and the other are around the house.


*ding dong*


"It's me. Hyunjin"

without second, the door abruptly opens and reveal a very messy looking Soojin. Her hair was disheveled, she smells like opened pickles. Hyunjin nose scrunches in disgust. He never thought that Soojin would be like this.

She looks very happy and keeps clinging to Hyunjin.

"what happens?" he ask her

"I miss you. I miss you so damn much. You know that I love you right? Why aren't you coming back to me? Why are you going back to him? He's bad. A very bad guy. Taking you from me"

"shh.. where's your kid?"

"you mean our daughter? Come I'll show you her room"

As soon as Soojin shows him her daughter room, Hyunjin swear he would vomit on the spot. His face grimaces, "what happened here?!"

"She's bad kid. very very bad kid. So I punish her! She keeps crying so I punish her!"

Hyunjin bite his lips as he walk closer towards the baby crib. There is her child, laying unconsciously on the bed. She really almost looks like a skeleton, eyes rolling and gasping for breath. Hyunjin push her, taking the poor child in his embrace as he walk towards the living room.

"What are you doing?! Are you really gonna kill her?!" he shouted.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry, but she's a bad child. She keeps crying!"

"She's crying because she was a baby! I never thought you would be like this Soojin!"

"I'm sorry!!" Soojin flops down and started to crying uncontrollably. Hyunjin stop on his feets and place the child on the sofa, he walk towards her and tap her shoulder.

"Let's go. You said that, if I come you will go with me right?" she nods.

Hyunjin then nods at the officer who stands in front of their door. Minutes later, few officer come in and handcuffs her. She trashing and screaming around the officer but calm down once Hyunjin spoke to her.

"Don't fight them, you go with them and I'll follow you behind. I need to take few things okay?"

"Sure love, sure.." She eagerly nods and smiling at him.

"Oh you poor child" Hyunjin takes the child and went outside.

Felix who were nervously waiting sprint out as he saw Hyunjin come out from the house with a child in his arm.

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