Author Note

518 15 3

Hi Guys 👋🏻

I just want to give huuuugee thanks to whoever votes and like this story even though it was messy.. Thank you so much for being my supporter until I finish this book..

First of all, I would like to state here that all characters in this book was fictional and only exist in my imagination only. Do not bring hate towards him please. I'm sorry for makin Hyunjin such a bad boy and jerk person, but it's all fictional. And I'm also would like to apologise for the late update and such, also in the last chapter where Hyunnie was killed. I'm so so sorry about that.

Anyways, thank you so much for those who keeps supporting me ❤️❤️❤️❤️ lots of love for you guys hehehe :p

Shameless promo here!! I've started a new story again oopsiee. It's called "The Prince and The Pauper" you can find it on my page. Sorry I can't paste the link to you guys. If you guys interested you can check it out, if not it's okay❤️

Well I'm off now! Bye and thank you ❤️

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