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3rd person POV

"i'll show you who do you belongs too!"

"s-stop this hyunjin!"

"shut up!" tearing away felix pyjama exposing his milky white shoulder just for hyunjin hungry eyes.

Without warning, hyunjin sink his teeth biting into felix flesh, creating a red purple bruise that will be around for few days for sure.

"ack!" felix try to push him away but no avail since the younger was alot smaller than him.

"h-hyunjin! stop this!"

not listening to any of felix pledges, hyunjin just tear away whatever left on felix's body. Leaving the younger with his boxer on, small bulge formed inside makes his cock twitch in excitement.

"are you sure you want me to stop? huh?" hyunjin ask while smirking while his finger tracing of felix slim body. licking his lips in the process.

Hyunjin can't denied that felix does have a very beautiful body compared to any other boys that on the same age as him. His flat but sure have some abs formed.

"P-please hyunjin, I beg you don't do this to me"

"shut up will ya!" without any preparation, hyunjin penetrate the younger taking him raw and unprepared.

Felix just let out silent scream, while scratching onto the bed sheets. The pain, the humiliation he felt nothing compares to the pain he felt inside his heart. He can feel there's some blood dripping cause of the excessive amount of thrusting.

"shit! you're so tight!" hyunjin growled as he keeps thrusting in and out the younger while gripping on his small waist that will for sure leave a mark.

"umphhh-" felix chocked another silent moan as hyunjin start to speed up his thrusting.

Suddenly he was being flipped onto all fours, while positioning himself he slide back in makes felix arch his back beautifully. Hyunjin was mesmerised looking at him.

'Fuck! He's beautiful!' hyunjin thought as he trace his long fingers on felix back. Feeling the soft smooth skin.

Grabbing a fistful of felix hair making the younger arch his back more for him. Licking and biting onto the younger exposed shoulder he whispered "moan for me bitch!"

Frustrated as he get no responsed from felix he keeps thrusting in and out until he found a soft spot that makes felix eyes roll back

"ahh~" what a lewd sound, and hyunjin wants to hear more as he keep ramming onto the spot non stop makes the youngers squirm and trashing.

"s-stop..please stop"

"feels good?"

"i can't..take it anymore" felix plead. As soon as he says that, he was flipped onto his back while having hyunjin thrusting like mad inside him.

"n-no hyunjin. i'm closed"

"who said you can cum?" smirking he takes the younger stroking it with his thumb before pressing onto the head, preventing him from cumming.

"ahh! no!" felix squirms in his hold. He needs releases soon or later.

The amount of crazy thrusting and pleasure from hitting his prostate over and over again makes felix onto the cloud nine. Eyes rolling back and salivating due to the excessive amount of pleasure he get.

Hyunjin can't take his eyes of felix. 'he's ethereal' he keeps nailing the spot before letting felix cums.

Strings of white pooled onto felix abs and chest, Hyunjin bite his lips before proceed to spread the cums onto the younger's body, making it stickier even more.

Few thrust later, hyunjin shoot inside felix. Filling him to the fullest while ride his orgasm out. His breath hitches and sweat trickling down his torso, making him look so irresistible.

Without pulling out, he fall onto the younger. Rough breath and musk smell of theirs combine together.

A sobs was heard "I hate you"


i'm sorry that i was not updating this regularly. I'll try to make time for it event though i was busy with works. Overload works. T.T

It's also been a long time since i last write smut. If this does not meet your expectations, please do skip it :)

Thank you for whoever read this <3

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