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"Are you the husband?"

A doctor approach Hyunjin who were sitting outside the room. Gulping nervously Hyunjin just nods his head.

"He was lucky enough to be bring here immediately. If is was late then 20minutes, he could have miscarriage." The doctor pats his shoulder before walk away

Hyunjin stoned. "w-what? He's pregnant..?"


Hyunjin walk inside the room. There is Felix who still laying on the bed.

"w-why..?" Hyunjin finally speaks up. His voice wavers.

Felix didn't say anything, he just stared at the ceiling. Knowing enough that Hyunjin must be disgusted with him.

"I know..."

"...why didn't you tell me?"

"..you'll disgusted with it.." Felix sound so broken.

"I-I can't believe..out of all people why it must be you?..just why..y-you're a man after all..It shouldn't be happen..how's the baby's gonna came out? and how did you—"

"just shut up Hyunjin-ah..let me go and I'll never gonna disturb you anymore..please.."

"I'm—" before he could finish his words, the door slammed open

"Felix!!" Mrs.Hwang rush towards the bed.

"ohh poor my baby! How's the child?" she asked

"the baby is okay.." Hyunjin answers makes his mom turns towards him.

"you know already?"

Hyunjin let out a big sigh before laugh. Everyone stared at him dumbfounded. "this is bullshit!"

"Hyunjin!!" his mom speaks up. Felix just clutches the bed sheet looking down onto the bed, tries to blink away the tears.

"This is wrong mom! So so so wrong! He's a guy and he's pregnant?! What in the world are we living in right now?! And he doesn't even have—ughh!!" Hyunjin rubs his face annoyingly.

"watch your mouth Hyunjin! This is your child! Your baby!"

"No mom!! No!! I don't want my baby to come out from a man! That was just so wronged!!"

"Hwang Hyunjin!!!" His mom starts to raised her voice

"mom-please.. don't..I've hurt enough.." Felix pleads his mother in law.

"Is this why you want the divorce, i'll give you one.."

Mrs.Hwang gasped and stares wide eyes at both of her beloved sons "w-what are you saying Hyunjin?"

"it's wrong mom.. so wronged..it's..it's disgusting.."

Felix can't hold it no more. He burst onto tears as soon as Hyunjin mouthed that words. With a loud slammed door, Hyunjin just walk away from the hospital furiously. He just can't accept the truth that Felix is pregnant.

"aww my poor baby..I'm so sorry.." Mrs.Hwang hugs him and caress his back.

"don't be mom..I'm the one who should be. I was weird.."

"shhh—don't say that..you're not weird..You're special.. special to me.."


"hey..where have you been?" Soojin cross her arm while watching him placing his shoes on the shoe rack.

"the hospital.."

"why..?" Soojin seems nervous for some reason and it catches his eyes

"I'm tired..i'm gonna take shower first.."

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