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⚠️mild smut and violence alert⚠️


Felix moaned when Hyunjin keeps ravishing his neck, decorating it with his bites. Clothes scattering, pants and moans fill the room.

"Are you sure you want to do this? We can sto—"

"stop talking and fuck me" Felix grabs his neck and give kitten lick on top of Hyunjin's upper lip.

"don't test me" Hyunjin whisper back and give a smooch on Felix's lips before proceed to trail his kisses downward.

Stopping at the horizontal scar that shows on between Felix navel. He caress the scar slowly, give them small kisses.

"I know.. You must be disgusted with it, I'm sorry.. W-we can stop.."

"who said? I was amazed with it. You're great, you're beautiful as always, and thank you for the gift. Our Hyunwoo..Thank you"

Felix sobs hearing that word come out from Hyunjin. Quickly the latter went up and wipe the tears. "Don't cry angel. Don't cry. I love you. For the ninth times already, I fall in love again and again with you. I love you Hwang Felix"

"I love you too my husband"


The sound of alarm wakes Felix up in the morning. He search for the other presence but found nothing. Quickly he open his eyes and scan around the room for him but found none.

"where is he—"

"Morning love. Wake up already? I bring you some breakfast in bed"

Felix smile softly at the other. "Thank you love" giving the older soft peck on his cheek.

"I'll wash up first. Then we can eat together."

"Okay, I'll wait here."

Hyunjin saw that Felix had difficulties when he want to get up, quickly he place the tray carefully and picking up the younger in bridal style.

"woah!! what are you doing?"

"carrying my wife to the toilet. I can help you wash up"

"I-I can wash myself" burying his now redden face in Hyunjin crook he shyly punch the older chest.

Minutes later, moans and skin slapping was heard ignoring the now cold breakfast on the bedside table.


"As I wish I want to stay here longer, but I need to get back at my home first. Picking up my belongings before I can stay here."

Hyunjin says as he stroke Felix soft hair that were laying on his lap, while both of their attention on the latest movie shows on the screen.

"but I don't want you to go~" he whines earning a chuckle from the latter.

"you pabo~ I wish didn't have to go too, but I need to pickup my belongings. I swear I won't take a long time"

Felix pout as Hyunjin get up from the couch. He then give him a peck on the lips before cupping his face.

"don't be sulky, I will come back here an hour later"

Felix nod weakly. Eyes still on the floor as he didn't want Hyunjin to go away.

"I promise babe"


Hyunjin bite his thumb while smiling like an idiot he is. He was happy that Felix would gladly accept him back, moreover Felix didn't submit the divorce paper, and that's the most heavenly things for him. He know he didn't deserve Felix and he promise to himself and swear to God that he would not hurt him again. If he hurt him even the smallest thing, he swore he would kill himself.

Eyeing the side mirror for cars he proceed to drive towards his lover house, until the ring of his cellphone jolts him. Grinning looking at the caller ID he picks up.



"Felix?!! Heyy do you hear me?! What happened?? Felix?!!! Hello???!"

"Help me! Hyunjin help me!"

Hyunjin stop his car at the side of the road. On the other line he can hear that Felix scream and things breaking. Before the line went off.

Quickly he dials the police and inform them what's happened. While speeding up towards Felix house praying to God that nothing would happen to him.


As Felix dials Hyunjin number, his front door was forcefully open and a man dressed in all black and mask rush straight towards him while holding a bat.

Felix who were startled tried to run away from him but the masked man were faster. He grabs Felix hair slamming him onto the nearest table. Felix can feel blood trickling down onto his chin.

"w-who a-are you?!!"

"it doesn't matter! All I need is you to die!"

He keeps chocking Felix, cutting the younger airflow. Felix's face started to redden and veins showing around his forehead. The man keeps squeezing his neck and smirk at him.

Felix hand roams around when he met with a vase. Grabbing it he quickly hit the masked man head.

"ahh!! you shithead!" the man release him. Quickly Felix scrambles away with his leftover strength. Crying and sobbing as he stared at the man.

"What do you want with me?! I don't know you!"

"and I don't either! All I need to do is kill you! And tonight you must dead!"

Felix try to run away again while throwing the 
whatever he can find within his grasp. He can hear Hyunjin voice on the phone "Help me! Hyujin help me!"

He shouts hoping the other would hear before the man smash his phone with the bat. "before the help could come, you will die first!"

Felix can't see well cause the bloods blurring his vision. Squinting his eyes open to see the man lurching towards him. The man swing his bat, Felix close his eyes in fear. Wishing to God for someone to come at this time, and thank goodness God hearing his pitiful pray that night when suddenly he was taken down in front of his eyes by the police.

Hyunjin rush inside to find Felix who still sobbing and shivering in fear. "Oh Dear!!" Quickly he engulfed the other in his hug. Shushing him, and trying to calm him down.


Felix hugs him tighter, crying on the said man shoulder. His blood stained Hyunjin's brown shirt but that's not the main problem, what important now is Felix's head. He won't stop bleeding.

The masked man trashing and shouting at Felix's "you must die! I need to kill you!"

"Fuck off you bastard! You won't be seeing lights again after this!" Hyunjin spat at him. Clutching tighter onto Felix.

"Please, don't sleep yet. The ambulance would come anytime. Please Felix" Hyunjin voice wavers.

"I love you—" before Felix could finish his word he went limp on Hyunjin's hold, causing the older crying and shaking him.

"Officer! Please help my wife! Please!!"

"Calm down Sir! The ambulance will arrive in any second!"

"God! Please help me! Please help him!" Hyunjin keeps crying and sobbing while holding the younger in his arms. Not long after, the siren can be heard roaring through the residential area.



I was so excited when you all give me positive comments! I LOVE YOU ALL! 💕 So here's another chappie just for you guys! 🫰🏻

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