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Felix open his eyes as the smells of something sweet greet his nostrils.

"Good morning mummy"

Felix turns towards the tiny voice. There is Hyunjin who waving alongside with Hyunwoo who was giggling as Hyunjin tickles him.


"I know that i'm not supposed to do this, but Hyunwoo wake up a couple hours ago. So I decide to make him some breakfast. Quick, wash your face and come eat breakfast with him."

Felix didn't say anything as he turn on his heels and walk towards the bathroom to cleaned himself.

🌼 🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼🌼

"Hey Felix, good morning"

"Hey Chan hyung. Wassup?"

"Nothing, I just want to check on Hyunwoo. How's he?"

"He's having a really high fever last night, I was so shocked to see him like that"

"how? want me to take him to the hospital?"

"no need hyung. I already go last night, and today I take leave so Hyunwoo won't be at your house today"

"Scratch that, but I didn't get any calls from you last night?"

Felix nervously bite his lips. He knows how Chan would react if he mention Hyunjin's name.

"umm, actually.. I go with Hyunjin.." The line suddenly fills with thick silence.


"w-what Felix?! Tell me once again. I think I misheard the name.."

"it's Hyunjin who brought us to the hospital last night.."

"WHAT?!!! Are you f—nuts?!"

"h-hyung! Calm down.."

"Great!! just great Felix! You didn't call me but instead you call that bastard! What have gotten into you?!"

"H-hyung..calm down.. listen, I have the reason why I didn't call you instead of him."


"it's actually 3 in the morning, so I don't want to disturb your sleep. That's why I ask him to bring me."

"You could just have called me! That was unbelievable of you"

The line went off as Chan end the call. Felix didn't say a thing. He know that Chan is mad at him. Shoving the phone inside his pocket he went out from the room. Only to find Hyunjin who were still feeding Hyunwoo of his handmade pancake.


The latter look up at him, "ouh, mummy's here."

Hyunwoo giggling while hits the table as he was happy to see Felix.

"Hyunjin.. I—"

"I know what you want to say. Come and sit here, eat this." Hyunjin cut him off and handed Felix a plate of fluffy pancakes.


"I should be going right now. Thanks for last night" Hyunjin say as he wear his shoes in front of the door.

"Hyunjin. I—"

"I'm sorry Felix. I'm really sorry. Wish I could explained all to you but, I know you didn't want to see me after all. Tell Chan that I'm sorry for sleeping at your house last night. I will be gone after this. It is enough to had just one chance for me to see my own child. My own gene..Just in case anything happens with Hyunwoo, you can call me anytime. I'll find time for it or I find a way for it. Be safe Felix, and you too Hyunwoo" Hyunjin caress the baby cheeks as the baby makes grabby motion for Hyunjin to pick him up.

"Sorry little warrior, I need to go now. Grown up to be a healthy man and don't be like me in the future" he pats Hyunwoo head.

"Hyunjin I—"

"Goodbye Felix. I'm sorry for everything I do.. I'm truly sorry" Hyunjin smile at him and walk away

"daa..daa.." Hyunwoo starts crying as he saw Hyunjin walks away


"sorry baby..I'm sorry"


Hyunjin walk inside the car and rub his face roughly.

"what have you done you shithead?! You just waste a beautiful person ever! And look at you now, all alone without him! Beside, Hyunwoo is your child instead of that woman's child!"

"God, please let me have another chance. I know what I have done is unforgivable, but please. Give me another chance to redeemed myself to him"

Tears flowing down from his face. As he started to remembering Felix and Hyunwoo face. Starting on the engine, he drove off away from the house. Not noticing someone was hiding and watching him from behind.



"Mom?! Where are you?!"

Hyunjin keeps searching for his mom as he didn't get any answer.


"What do you want?! I was in the toilet!"

Hyunjin runs towards his mom and grabs her by shoulder. "I met Felix!"

Mrs.Hwang eyes widen upon hearing his words "w-what? how?"

"He called me last night, I met our baby too!"

"Y-you've had met him too?"

"yeah mom! wait....how did you know the baby was 'he'?"

"I-.. No! you must misheard it!"

"Mom! Tell me!"


"Tell me mom!"

Mrs.Hwang sigh as she puts down Hyunjin arm that were on her shoulder. "Let's get to the sofas first"


"So, you're telling me that you've been seeing both of them for quite a long time?"

Mrs.Hwang nods. Hyunjin chuckles "h-how could you not telling me this?"

"It was Felix. He had come to this house and begging me to not telling you about his baby. He always ask me first if you was home or not. If you are, he won't be coming here. He will only come whenever you are not here."


"He's hurt enough Hyunjin-ah. You had hurt him enough, physically and mentally. I think it's better this way."

"I know mom.. If I ask for his forgiveness, he won't forgive me right mom?"

Mrs.Hwang sigh then pats her son shoulder. "Be patience. I know Felix. Just give him time, in the meantime try to ask for his forgiveness. I know how is he."

"How come you know him better than I do? Am I not your son?"

"He's an angel, but you're dipshit"


I'm sorry for the delayed update, things had been rough on me ㅜㅜ no worries..! I manage it somehow..

Also I'm sadly to announce that this book will have few chapters left, it will end soon..

Welp, see you on the next chapter soon 🍀

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