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Weeks had been passed quickly and Felix's condition are getting better day by day. Hyunjin bought another house with more security to watch both of them when he went out to work.

Felix's been clingy towards him these past few week. Wanting to find a job and help him for the bills and etc but Hyunjin didn't allowed him too.

"Babe.. Look I'm sorry, I didn't meant like that" Hyunjin tries to pleade the younger who were sulking with him earlier.

Seeing Felix pouting his duck lips, Hyunjin tries to back hugging him resulting the younger trashing around tries to get away from him.

"No touchy touchy.."

Hyunjin chuckles, "you're just too cute you know?" planting a kiss on top of his soft hair he keeps hugging the younger.

"tell me why aren't you letting me get a job? I can't stand watching you do all the jobs. Paying the bills and such, I just felt like I'm worthless"

"what? No.. It's not like that. The main reason is, I don't want you to get hurt again. I had lost you twice so I don't want you to leave me again. What if something happen when I'm not around? But this house is safe, for Hyunwoo and for you too"

Felix stop struggling. His small hand cares Hyunjin muscles arm, "but.."

"Please..that's all I ask from you.."

"okay..I won't push this again..BUT! There is one condition tho!"

"Hmm? what is it?"

"You don't regret when I use your card to buy loads and loads of item" Felix smirk while pointing his finger towards Hyunjin's left cheek.

"Sure! You know you're husband is loaded"

"pfft..Sure sure" Felix giggles again.

Hyunjin eyes look towards the clock and smirking, casually picking up the younger in bridal style makes him let out a high note squeak.

"What are you doing?!"

"it's 3hour left before Hyunwoo comes back home. We still have time for that"

"w-what?" Quickly Felix face turning into bright red. Punching the older chest while hiding his face in the crook of his husband neck.

"aww kitty don't be mad. You'll love it though"


Hyunjin taps the file as keep focusing on the documents. His eyebrow twich when suddenly his phone rings. Looking at the ID he quickly pick it up.

"Yes sir?"

Hyunjin eyes widen upon hearing the other line speak, he shaken and grips his pen tightly almost breaking it into two pieces. Hyunjin secretary saw it and quickly went in front of his desk, afraid something would be happened.

"Mr.Hwang? Are you okay" ask her when he shut the phone call.

"Yeah.. I'm quite shocked about the news." He rubs his face quickly

"may I know what news Mr.Hwang?"

"you know about my wife right?" she nods again

"he was being attacked few months ago, and just now the detective who take the case says that they already track and found out who's the real deal of the case."

She did that say anything but keeps nod her head.  Hyunjin tell this because the secretary was his most trusted person. She never flirt with him neither him too.

"Did you possibly know Soojin?" he eyed her

Her eyebrow twitch then nods "yes Sir."

"She's behind this all."

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