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Felix was tired, physical and mentally. He can't imagine that he was raped by his own called husband.

Pushing away the other hands that was circling his waist, felix tries not to make any sound. Not wanting to wake him up.

"ssttt..." wince in pain, felix drag his feet towards the bathroom.

Standing in front of the bathroom mirror, he eyeing himself. His finger trace the art that was created by hyunjin, decorating his neck.

He also rub his wrist that starting to red cause of his grip last night. Tears starting to pools again, quickly he wash his face, brushing his teeth and taking a shower.

Limping towards the bed, he tries to ignore him but he can't. Hyunjin was his husband after all.
Carefully sit on the bed, ignoring the pain that burns down there he touch hyunjin arm.

"hey hyunjin.. wake up.."

Groaning the latter opens one eye peeking at him before close it back "what time is it?"

Hyunjin morning voice gives butterflies towards felix. "it's 8.30 now"


Felix just leave him on the bed and proceed towards the kitchen. His stomach has been screaming for food since he wake up.


"so, what should i have for brekkie?" he humming some songs as he take out whatever he have inside the fridge and proceed with making breakfast.

Without him knowing, hyunjin was behind him leaning on the wall watching as he dance to a song. Decide to make him suprise he walk towards the younger and give him back hug

"morning baby~"

"ahh-!" felix screamed and accidentally touch his hands with the hot pan.

"oh? your hand! Come!" quickly he drag the younger towards the sink before opening the tap and let it runs onto the burn finger.

"be careful! Don't hurt yourself!"

"-it's not my fault. You came suddenly and i was just suprise. Thats all.."

"there, i think it's cooled enough. Let me just go and find the ointment for you. Wait me at the couch"

Felix just stared blankly at the older sudden changes as he rummage through the cabinet for some ointment.

"okay now i found it! Come! Let's put this on your hand before it get worst" hyunjin just drag the stunned felix like a ragdoll towards the couch.

While hyunjin was applying the ointments, felix just stared at him. Wanting to ask something but somehow it's stuck.

"your husband is handsome right?"

Without felix notices hyunjin already done bandage his finger. Stunned by his question a creep of blush decorate his cheeks. Plus the freckles makes him more cuter.

"aren't you going to work today?" he ask

"nope, i take leave today. So i get to spend time with my wife all day long"

Felix brows knitted together in confusion. "did you probably hit your head while shower?"

His question makes hyunjin laugh out aloud. Felix once again stunned, he never saw hyunjin laugh like that in front of him. Here it come again, the butterflies. Clearing his throat he stood up from the couch "let's eat"

Hyunjin just chuckle at him and follows the younger towards the dining table.

Both of them sitting awkwardly in front of each other, thick silence fills the room. Only the sound of clock tickling and spoon clashes with plate fills the atmosphere.

Decide to break the silence, felix clear his throat "hyunjin-ah, i need to go out for a while. Our fridge been running low"

"okay. Want me to accompany you?"

Abruptly felix shakes his head, "i'll go out with my friend"

"who?" he ask looking straight at felix eyes,


"it's okay. You can go out. Make sure to be back before dinner, you don't want me to starve right?"

Felix just nods and continue his meals.


"onto earth Lee Felix!" Chan snap his fingers in front of felix face whose been staring into spaces for quite a time.

"-oh? sorry hyung"

"something on your mind? Want to talk about?"

Felix takes a deep breath. Pondering whether he should tell Chan about this or not.

"you know hyung. I'm confused"

"about?" Chan ask back as he munch on his sandwich


And that makes Chan stop eating. "him?"

"yes him hyung.. Him"

"did he do something again? Let me just called the police on him!"

"no! it's not like that hyung! he's being weird like super weird." Felix pause

"keep going"

"last night he get super angry at me, and this morning he said that he take a leave just to be with me all day long. What is that hyung? Why is he doing that hyung?"

Chan face fell upon hearing that, 'hyunjin change?'

"i don't know what to say felix.."

"me too hyung.."



"i'm home" felix said as he struggle to keep the door and groceries in his hands,

'silent' felix thought as he hear no answer from him.

"is he sleeping?" he speak to himself. Shrugging it off he walk towards the kitchen when suddenly

"suprise!!" a big of confetti fall on his head.


Double update I guess? HeHe
Enjoys the noms~

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