Chapter 46

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Zora gave everyone who'd gotten stung some Katu leaves, then wrapped extra in a strip of fabric before stuffing it back in her medical backpack.

Zeke, Mayra, Kace, and Laython were all groggy, so the rest of us divided up work. Finnick, Zora, and Keaton spread out to strategically take watch, especially because the smoke line, while keeping the tracker jacker out is also broadcasting our location to anyone who's close. Though I doubt anyone is going to risk manoeuvring through the woods packed with the deadly wasps.

I quickly tried to take the jackets and shirts off of Calla and Kylie before the hovercraft arrived. I felt bad doing it, but extra clothes have proved useful in the past. I needed to work quickly, but my fingers shook throughout, and I felt so clammy and uncomfortable doing it, that Zora gently took over.

Instead of being thankful, I felt irritated at her. Jealousy spiked up in me so hot and fast that I got up and moved away. Two people just died, and still all I could think about are my own stupid feelings.

Throughout these hours, I couldn't even bare to look at Zeke, so I asked Finnick to direct me to my watch spot. For the first time ever, the buzzing of the tracker jackers was welcome to me. Thoughts swirled in my head like poison. Fear of the arena, jealousy towards Zora, heartbreak caused by Zeke's confession, Kylie's betrayal, sadness at Calla's death. I knew that if not for the buzzing that filled my head like cotton, my thoughts would have driven me crazy.

It's evening now, and I haven't spoken to anyone. In fact, no one really spoke to each other

Addie comes up to me, as the sun begins to set. I don't glance at her, but continue watching as the setting sun draws away all light with it.

She stands by me, a weapon in her hand, saying nothing.

"You did what you had to," I tell her softly. She doesn't ask what I'm referring to, it's obvious.

"I know," she says. "I don't regret it."

I'm a little surprised to hear her voice simmering with anger.

"We took her in, we offered her a lifeline," Addie says. Her voice shakes. "and she tried to kill us. She was going to kill him."


I don't say anything. "Also, before... before..." Addie clears her throat. Her voice calms down, turns soft. "Before Calla... you know... she told me about... about Zeke and Zora."

My walls shoot up, and I try closing away the conversation. I'm acutely aware that everyone is hearing us right now.

Addie continues, however, "And I heard what he told you after he got stung. I just-"

"I can't talk about it," I tell her quickly. "I don't want to." Hot embarrassment bubbles in my chest. I didn't even realise until now that the whole nation watched my heartbreak. I feel sick.

Addie glances at me, wondering whether she can find a way through my wall. But she can't, so she looks away. "Are you going to talk to him about it?" She asks anyway.

No "I don't know," I tell her clipped. "I don't want to talk."

"Don't talk to me," Addie replies, "But talk to him. I think you've misunderstood it all,"

"Addie," I say in warning, because I can feel that unfamiliar pain in my chest again. I can barely even think about him. Talking to him...

Addie doesn't talk anymore. She just stands by me. Turns out we have fish for dinner. Laython, seeming to have made a full recovery, fishes and cooks dinner for us. It's not until Kace comes up to Addie and I and announces dinner that I even realise that I'm hungry. It's also the first time I've looked at him, since I punched him. There's a bluish bruise under his right eye.

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