Chapter 58

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I turn around. I see Zeke, who's eyes are glistening with fear and worry. I look at Leigh. Then at Addie, Mayra, Summer, Finnick, Kace and Laython.

The adrenaline fades in a snap and exhaustion hits me like a brick. My left leg gives out and I almost fall, but Zeke's arm tightens around me, keeping me upright.

Finnick slumps to the ground, his breath shuttering with pain.

"I can't climb up." He says. Summer slings off her backpack and kneels in the snow beside him, zipping open the medical bag.

"I can't either." Leigh mutters from besides me. And I know that nor can I.

I throw a glance at the bear behind me, who's stopped roaring, but is still huffing and pulling against the rope.

I look back around. "Can bears climb trees?" I ask my friends

"Yes." Addie replies from her tree, her eyes screwed shut in pain and head leaned against the branch behind her. "And they can swim, run uphill, and down hill."

"So there's no safe spot for us to be?" Mayra asks. Her breath clouds in great puffs in front of her.

Everyone turn to see Addie shake her head, but my heart starts beating so wildly, I can hear it in my ears. That bear... it was terrifying. Evolutionarily, intrinsically, terrifying. I know without a d doubt that there will be more of those out there, and the thought of having no safe place to be while that happens...

I feel Zeke's arms tighten around me. I can feel him look down at me, ready to hear my plan, but I don't have one. I'm scared and exhausted and-

"We get into trees." Zeke says loudly. The little chatter dies off as everyone turns to him. "Thin trees that the bears will find hard to climb. And we'll get everyone up," he says, looking at Finnick slumped in the snow. "No matter how long it takes."

"The bears-" Mayra starts.

"Nothing is immune to fire." Zeke says calmly. I look up at him, the gold in his eyes swirling in the harsh sunlight. "We have fire starter, and matchsticks, and hopefully enough arrows if Laython and Lian use them carefully."

"We can do it." Laython says. I look at him, perched on a low branch. There is a bow in his hand and two quivers on his back, one of which is half empty. The scar running across half his forehead has faded to a red-purple colour and the boyishness I saw when I first met him is almost entirely gone. No one else objects. Summer stands up from beside Finnick. "Him first." She says.

Zeke nods. He gives me one squeeze before letting go and walking towards where Finnick is. The absence of his warmth and support feels like a phantom breeze. I adjust my foot in the snow. My left leg is spazzing, sensation appearing and disappearing sporadically enough that I'm hesitant to take steps.

Zeke and Kace start talking, discussing about which trees are thin enough and where to position people. Addie, sitting alone up on her solitary tree with her eyes closed is deemed to be on an acceptable enough tree.

Zeke starts taking charge, splitting us up and deciding where everyone should be positioned. There are three people on each tree, and Laython and I get split up for obvious reasons. Zeke, Kace and I are on one tree, Laython, Leigh, and Mayra on another, and Finnick, Addie and Summer on the last.

Zeke first assigned Summer to be with Laython and Leigh, but she claimed she should be with Finnick and Addie since she has assumed medical duties and they are the most injured.

Addie and I share a look because I can't help but feel that Summer just said that to avoid being with Leigh. He doesn't say anything, however, just keeps his face impressively normal.

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