Chapter 17- Private Reapings

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My life was perfect for the next few days. Too perfect. I didn't even consider whether it would last or not, I just relished in it.

Zeke, Addie, Finnick and I often went out to see the capitol. We saw the orchards. As Zeke worked in them, he took us inside. We got to see the orchards the way even the most privileged of people in Panem didn't get to.

Zeke came to the house we were living in frequently, and he and Finnick did become very good friends. I think Finnick was secretly glad to have another boy in our little group.

The only downside to these days was that I didn't spend much time with Sam, though.

When I offer him to come out with the rest of us, he says that he doesn't feel like it, and would rather work on his new painting. He remains cooped up in his room for hours, and I don't disturb him: I know how much he likes peace and quiet when he paints.

But when he is with us, it's amazing. I love having Sam around, he's such a positive presence. He's seems to have gelled in with Zeke, though that hardly surprises me- Sam's naturally friendly.

"Hey Lian" Haymitch greets me as I step out of my room.

"Hey." I say back.

Haymitch is holding a wine glass in his hand. I frown. I though Haymitch didn't really like wine.

"Stop frowning, sweetheart," Haymitch says. "I only have this," he waves his wine glass in a small circle. "Cuz Plutarch decided to give us a surprise visit."

Makes sense. I relax my brows.

"Do me a favour," Haymitch says. "Call Addie and Sam for me, will ya?"

"Sure." I say. "Finnick's already there?"

"No, he's with Annie." Haymitch says. "He's getting her here. Don't be too long."

He walks down the hall to the dining area.

"Addie, dinner." I call, as I knock on her door.

"Come in!"

I go inside her room, to see her attempting to put on eyeliner.

"I'm going to conquer this, Lian."

I sigh. "Sure, I believe you."

She pauses opening the eyeliner bottle and pouts at me. "No you don't." she guesses.

"How'd you know?" I grin at her.

She rolls her eyes, but sets the bottle down. She gazes at it sadly. "Maybe some day."

I look at her large sadly blinking green eyes. "I'd help you." I say defeatedly, "But I can't do it myself."

Addie laughs. "Aw Lian, that's alright. You just stick to your bow and arrows."

I frown playfully at her. "I will. Go to the dining room. I'm going to call Sam."

"Sam's still working on that painting?"

"Yeah, he says that he is working on where to position the sun and the light on the leaves. He should almost be done by now."

"Awesome." Addie says disinterestedly. "See you at dinner."

I leave her room and make my way to Sam's.

I knock on his door. "Sam?"

When he doesn't answer, I hesitantly push the door open.

"Sam?" I expect him to be on his chair, in front of a easel, paintbrush in hand. Instead, he isn't in his room at all.

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