Chapter 29- Beauty, but not of the body

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Picture of Liana Liberato (Mayra) on top.


I spend the whole of the next day with Sienna and her team. I'm first made to soak in a tub which I think doesn't contain water, but some kinds of spirit, oils and soaps. The prep team comes and scrubs my body and hair, before wrapping a slippery, silky material around my hair. 

Before they came in, I was given a glob of silvery material that turned out to be a pair of stretchy undergarments. I held them up and frowned. The top part was just a wide stretchy band of synthetic material and the underpants weren't much better; literally two joined triangles. Letting myself think of it as a bikini, I put it on, before reluctantly allowing the prep team inside.

After the bath, I end up lying down on a wide and low massage bed on my stomach, as they wax every single part of me. They ask if they could do my breasts and my butt, and I jerk my head up in a sort of horrifed surprise. "Everyone gets it done," says the smallest member of my team. "But it's okay if you don't want us to."  

I hesitate for a moment, then reluctantly agree. 

And thank my stars that my prep team consists of women only.

After that was done, I lie down on my stomach to allow them to rub creams into every part of my skin that that good for nothing fabric doesn't cover. I'm then told to change into a dull silver robe that wasn't too opaque, and wait as the prep team called Sienna.

I slip the piece of cloth over my head, and let it hang down my frame as I wait for my stylist. I got to admit though, my skin does feel pretty nice. It's smooth, supple, warm and it smells heavenly. I let my self spend a few minuted trying to identify what the scent is, before Sienna breezes into the room.

"Hello Lilian." she says. "Though I think, you go by Lian, don't you?"

I nod.

"Well then, Lian." she says. "Can you please stand here, for me?" she asks, gesturing to small raised pedestal in the middle of the dimly, but efficiently lit room.

I hesitate for a moment, before going and standing on that pedestal. I can't help but feel like a display showpiece, as Sienna starts to walk in a small circle around me. However, there is nothing predatory in her movement and her eyes, and I start to relax. Even though what I was wearing was see through, I find myself the most at ease I have been over the past few hours. 

The tension in my shoulders eases. 

Sienna stops examining me after the third circle and goes to get a fluffy, cotton robe from a closet at one far side of the room.

She hands it to me to change into before turning away to position a stool in front of the bed where I had my massage, and sits down on it.

I change into the the cotton robe, and actually sigh with relief at the cover and soft warmth that it provides. Sienna probably notices my relief because she chuckles as I sit in front of her on the bed.

"Oh dear," she says. "I remember how nudity used to bother me too, when I was your age."

When I was your age. I wonder what prompted the change.

"So." she says, leaning forward to rest her elbows on her knees, and claps her hands under her chin. Her infectious smile makes a small one appear on my face as well. "Tell me your story."

My brows furrow. "Story?"

"Yeah," she says. "Everyone, and I mean everyone, is dying to know why you volunteered. Well, you Adeline White and Finnick Odair, actually, but mainly you. So why did you?"

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