Chapter 12- Family

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It has been three days since that day with Zeke in the cafe, and things between Addie and Finnick had gotten worse.

Finnick seems tense, and I don't know if the others notice it or not, but me and Sam have just tried to ease off the tension and pretend that everything is fine.

The only plus side to these days was that Gale was with us. He and dad had work together apparently, and I have been spending lots of time with him. Mom, however, doesn't find his company too relaxing though, and I can tell that neither does he. They were awfully tense on the first day. I could feel it. Mom was always stiff and Gale was too. Then whenever Gale would leave the room for whatever reason, after excusing himself, mom would look over to dad, who would just give her a slow blink, telling her to relax and be herself.

Okay, fine, maybe mom and Gale did love each other at on point (however weird that still seems for me) but why so much of awkwardness? There was definitely something else, but what? What could make them so uncomfortable ? They were best friends once, almost like family. What in Panem's name had happened? I was alternating between judging which situation was more awkward. Gale and my mothers, or mine with my best friends..

It's been two weeks since the day of the grand party, and though we were initially meant to leave just after, we stayed because of the work required by the Capitol Games.

Addie and Finnick were icy now. You can almost feel it. Haymitch certainly is.

Sam, Haymitch, Addie, Finnick, and I sat down for dinner today. Dad was busy with the Capitol Games reception in district 12, and was away with all the other mayors, while Mom was visiting our grandmother. So it was just us.

As attendants in white were clearing up the soup, Haymitch fake shiveres and says "brrrr" as he looked up at us. Through dinner, when the room fills only with Sam's uncomfortable comments and my stupid attempts to help, Haymitch actually asks an attendant if she could 'turn up the heater a notch.' It was almost a relief when dinner finished.

As we get up from the table, however, Hyamitch grabs my hand.

I look at him. "This capitol weather is getting really cold, yeah?" Before I could even think of saying anything, he continues, "I hope it gets warmer in 12."

Super discreet

He gives me a look, where the smile in his eyes slowly dissolves, and becomes more clear. I know what he means, of course, and somehow, hearing him tell me to solve that problem seamed important. If it wasn't, he would tell me.


Addie is sitting on my bed, and we are flipping through photographs and articles about the Capital Games. I pull one of the unopened envelopes, open it, and spill the glossy photos between us.

Addie shifts through some of them and says, "I love this one."

It was a picture of the both of us, holding hands, laughing and dancing together. I smile at it, remembering how happy I had felt.

"My hair looks good, doesn't it?" Addie asks, and after a moment adds, "Whoa, we do really contrast each other. Red and black hair, Blue and green dresses..."

I nod, and continue idly going through pictures. Then I find one that makes me feel almost nostalgic, and I gently, but pointedly lay it on the bed between us.

Addie looks at it.

And looks and looks.

Then after excruciating long moments looks at me.

"I miss it" I admit to her. "I miss us."

"Its been two days." Addie says, not looking at me. "Plus, nothing is wrong, Lian,"

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