Chapter 49

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We start the day a little late. As soon as the sun begins to rise, Zeke waddles into the river to clean himself up some more. We have squirrel again for breakfast, since Laython couldn't find any fish, and I start brainstorming my plan with everyone else. Kace doesn't speak, nor does Mayra, and even Addie doesn't contribute. Everyone looks pale and haunted, and even Zora and Kace's darker skin looks ashen. While I don't want to do much talking myself, I have to get through this and focus on ending this once and for all. We eventually decide to split up in twos and begin combing through the forest for Jett and Leigh. Since we're an odd number, Summer, Zeke, and I are together. I put myself with Summer because I think she has the best chance at finding Jett.

The groups are Summer, Zeke and I, Addie and Finnick, Zora and Laython, and Mayra and Kace. I suddenly feel very dishearten when I realise how small our original group has gotten. Every group has a backpack with supplies, and everyone has weapons. Just as we are about to disperse, two parachutes come gliding our way.

I'm momentarily confused. I've never seen two parachutes come at the same time before.

"I got it," Addie mumbles, before going to reach it. Mayra goes to grab the other one.

Addie's fingers wrap around the small metal box in midair, and suddenly, there's a bang.

The parachute box bursts open, and out springs a a mesh of thin, gleaming gold wire. The mesh entraps Addie in the blink of an eye, and she cries out.

"Mayra get away from that parachute!" Finnick yells, before rushing to Addie.

Mayra jumps back, just as the metal box give two quick blue flashes of light and cracks open. A white fog spreads out in a one metre radius, hangs there for three seconds, and then slowly starts to fade.

Then everyone breaks into action, and rushes to help Finnick and Addie. Addie is struggling against the wire that seems to cling to her like a skin. Every time she moves, a thin streak of scarlet blooms on her skin. I recognise the wire immediately.

"That's Beetee's Wire." I say, remebering it from the last quarter quell. "Very strong and very thin."

Mayra bends beside Finnick, pulls out a knife and starts sawing at the wire. Finnick stops wrestling with the wire and follows her lead. Kace and I drop to Addie and start cutting the wire too.

"Addie, hold still," I tell her, as I cut through wire, and it springs open. I immediately move onto the next one.

"Guys!" Laython calls. I whip around at the urgency in his voice. He points to the sky, and another parachute comes floating down. This parachute, however, has two thin green streamers attached to it, which flutter like wings in wind.

No one goes to get the parachute. Instead, we all watch as it gently lands on the ground. No one moves for a second. No blue flashes. The parachute just sits there. Then there's a hiss and a groan as Laython notches an arrow in his bow and draws the sting back. He releases it, and the arrow hits the long box. The box cracks open. When nothing lethal bursts from the box, Laython walks towards it.

"It's a gift," Laython says. He picks up a small bundle of arrows.

I recognise those arrows. I get up from where I'm crouched beside Addie, and walk over to Laython. Zeke takes my place, and he, Finnick, Mayra and Kace continue to cut through the mesh.

"What are they?" Summer asks. "Just arrows?"

"Yes," I say, as Laython hands the arrows over to me. "But the insanely cool ones. Let's see," I say, turning the arrows over in my hand. "Mini-explosive, grappling hook, and double-sided. Wow. I've never used an explosive or double-sided arrow before."

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