Chapter 21- Lovesick

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"So what is this I heard about the lot of you going to meet Plutarch tomorrow?" Haymitch asks.

Sam, Finnick and I exchange brief glances.

Addie catches this and looks at the three of us with narrowed eyes. "Oh really? I didn't hear about this."

Addie looks quite threatening and scary today. She's apparently trying out a new makeup look, that has her cheekbones highlighted, her usual baby pink lips are now painted in a deep shade of burgundy, and her eyes look extra large and intimidating because of her smoky eyeliner. He wild fiery red curls are straightened, and fall in a smooth red cape around her head and shoulders.

All of this topped with narrowed eyes and frown makes her look like an assassin.

Sam clears his throat. "You look nice today, Addie." he says, then narrows his eyes. "Is this just because of the makeup? Is makeup that... transformational."

Addie semi-rolls her eyes at the attempt to change the topic. "Yup, makeup can work magic." she says. "So now. When did you guys go to the Department Building?"

"Wait." I say suddenly. "Wait a minute." I point to Addie's face. "That's eyeliner there. You can't do eyeliner."

Addie gives me a hint of a proud smile. "I tried pencil, and it worked so much better." she says happily. Then. "Stop that. Lian stop changing the topic. What is with the Department Building." she demands.

The three of us exchange another brief glance. "It was impromptu. I was going alone, but Finnick said he wanted to come, and Sam..." I look at Sam. "Heard of it, and came too."

"Really? You heard of it?" Addie asks suspiciously. "How come I didn't?"

"You were in your room." Sam says smoothly. "Doing makeup, or whatever."

Addie hesitates at this. "You know, it isn't really doing makeup, it's more of- Actually, never mind."

"Okay children." Haymitch drawls, "Why did you want to see Plutarch?"

Sam, Finnick and I share another look, but this time, it's more serious. "Zeke." I say, as if that explains everything. I think Haymitch would understand. "I wanted to talk to Plutarch about that."

Subtle relation flickers in Haymitch eyes, and that gives me that feeling that he already knew why I had gone to the Department Building. He nods, and then his grey eyes lock with mine. They were like Mom's. Seam eyes. "So." He says. "What's your play?"

"Play?" I asked, confused.

"Your pitch." he elaborates. "What are you going to say to Plutarch."

"That I would want him to switch in another tribute instead of Zeke." I say immediately.

"So you would be willing to sacrifice another person's life, just to save Zeke?" Haymitch fires back instantly.

"I-I..." This catches me off guard. Would I actually put another person in so much danger just to make sure Zeke says out of harm's way. Sam, Finnick and Addie have fallen silent around the table. I look up to Haymitch almost helplessly, and I know he sees the answer in my eyes. The answer that I can't dare say aloud.

Haymitch leans forward. "I know you would, Lian. And I'm just asking you these questions because I know it's what Plutarch would ask you too." He says. "Plutarch may seem like a bumbling fool, but trust me, he isn't." Haymitch lets out a chuckle. "He wouldn't be so high up with the Department if he was even half as silly as pretends to be around you guys." his eyes harden. "So tell me Lian, how would you justify sending another person to die in place of this boy your trying so hard to protect?"

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