Chapter 55

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Laython breaks into a small jog.

Finnick and all this carriers manage fine. Mayra struggles a little. My leg immediately barks in protest as I begin jogging. Barely five seconds in, I hear Leigh panting. Or is it a gasp of pain. Either way, I don't think he will appreciate me asking. The weight of the backpacks isn't helping much either. It's not long before Leigh and I are struggling to keep up with Laython and the others.

The journey is uncomfortable because of the constant rain and slushy ground. The pain in my legs is dull, thank God, but between the soreness from today, and the random gaps in sensation, I can't move fast. We come across a hill. The other disappear over it as I grit my teeth and start to clamour up. My book gets stuck on a root in the moss, and I stumble and fall. I get a face full of shrubbery bits and slushy rain water.

"Get up," Leigh pants, "I can't carry you around again."

I snap something mean at him before I hoist myself up and continue after him. It's a blessed relief when we finally reach the cave. Laython hovers outside waiting anxiously for us, as Leigh and I stumble in.

My legs shake and I fall almost immediately to the ground. Leigh groans and slides down as well. There's no more rain falling on me, and that change feels like a phantom limb for a moment. The cave is dim and chilly, and the flashlights provide the only light. While I vaguely recognise bits and parts, the cave looks massively different. The slope that lead up to the main cavern is gone, and there's a smaller back opening. Probably from where the firefly log fell all those days ago.

Through the artificial white lights of the flashlights, I can see Mayra has deposited Addie in a patch of dry ground, while Kace, Zeke and Summer have unwrapped the cloth and tarp from Finnick and lad him down on it in the middle of the cave. Zeke looks behind at me, his soaking wet hair leaving a small spray. I raise my hand: I'm okay.

He flashes me a clipped smile before turning back around.

I shove off my backpacks and sit there fore two breaths. My legs feel so tired.

But then, Summer calls my name. I open my eyes, to see Zeke in front of me, helping me up. "We're almost done," he murmers. "Almost."

I nod. I lean into him as we walks me to where Finnick is. I take those five seconds to clear my head.

"Okay," Summer says, as I crouch down next to Finnick. Without the rain, in the glare of the flashlights, his wound looks even worse. "What do we do."

I have no idea. The words almost spill out. But I've got to stay strong. Just a little longer, and then I can sleep.

"We need soapy water." I say. "Do we still have that bucket from..." the day that Keaton died. "The day that Safia died?"

There's a moment of static, as everyone think back to that day.

Then, "Yes," Mayra says, cutting through. "I've got it."

"Okay," I say. "Mayra can you fill it with water, and mix a little of the soap in it?" She nods, before going over the pile of backpacks next to Leigh.

"Summer, open up the medical bag," I say. "We're going to need all the help we can get."

"Kace," I continue mechanically. "Try covering the exits, both of them. Laython and Zeke, I need you two to start preparing for tomorrow as much as you can."

Laython nods vigorously, a worried expression etched so deeply into his face, he looks like a 17 year old. "We'll do it," Zeke tells me calmly. "Don't worry about anything but Finnick."

Gratitude swells in me, but I push it down. I need to focus or I'll never get through this, and neither will Finnick.

Mayra comes walking up to us, carrying the metal bucket. "Here," she says, setting the bucket down besides us. The water is milky, and a few suds float on top. It's perfect. "It filled up quickly." Mayra explains, and then quickly backs away when Kace calls her to help.

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