Chapter 14- Publicity

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Sam nods, "Yeah, that makes sense."

I had come to his room to call him for dinner, but ended up telling him about Finnick and Addie, of the lack of it.

"Shouldn't she just tell him?" I ask Sam incredulously.

Instead of agreeing with me immediately, Sam shrugs dubiously. "Dunno, Lian."

I stop pacing and look down at him on the floor

He's lying on the black furry rug and bouncing a small ball onto the ceiling.


"If he doesn't like her back, then it's gonna be perpetual awkwardness for the three of you."

"But we are best friends, he's understand, wouldn't he?"

Sam pauses tossing his ball onto the ceiling. "Don't know." he says, then resumes.

I gape at him. "Sam!"

I move towards him and catch the ball as it is coming back from hitting the ceiling.

Sam sighs and sits up. "Okay look. Suppose Finnick doesn't like Addie back, then he would feel uncomfortable talking about stuff around her because he knows that she actually likes him as more than a friend. And Addie will always feel awkward around him knowing that he knows that she likes him, but doesn't like her back." He gestures to his head. "Common sense."

He takes the ball from me, and goes back to bouncing it on the ceiling.

I sit down next to him.

"Why is everything so complicated?"

Sam lets out a sigh agreement. "I don't know."

"I wish it wasn't"

"Yeah..." Sam trails off. "I wish girls were less complicated."

"Girls?" I look at him. "They aren't that complicated."

He snorts

"Which girl do you wish was less complicated?" I ask him. My curiosity is piked.

He opens his mouth to say something, but then closes it. "All of them actually."

I narrow my eyes and look at him. "Sam?"

"Yes, Lian?"

"Do you want to tell me something?"

"Nope. Why?"

I look at Sam.

Sam's lying. It's a rarity, but I'm sure of it. There's something on his mind.

I can't remember the last time Sam lied to me. It might have been when he used my sweater for his artwork.

He looks at me, when I don't respond. "Um, Lian?"

"Yeah." I blink out of my stupor, "No, no reason."

I smile at him very convincingly, "See you."

I'm just about to leave when I turn around. "Sam,"

He turns his head to me.

"You know I love you, right?"

Sam stops bouncing his ball, and sits up. "Yeah, Lian. I do."

I nod. "Dinner's ready" i say, and exit my brother's room.

Mom, Dad, and Haymitch are already sat around the couches next to the dining table.

"Hey," I greet. "Are we eating over here today?" I say, making my way to the couches.

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