Chapter 5- Prim

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I am in Finnick's room, sitting on the bed in my pretty silver dress, while he tries adjusting his tie. Notice here, that the key word is 'tries'.

"Bloody tie." he mutters. "Why do we even have to wear ties? Who would want a rope around their necks?"

I look at him, amused. "They are supposed to make men look handsome, Finnick."

At this he turns to me. "And how is that? Tell me, would girls look more attractive with some beads and jewels wrapped around their necks?"

I cant contain my grin. "Apparently. Chokers are very much in fashion according to Effie."

Finnick sighs. "Just help me with the tie would you?"

"Defeated already?" I ask, as a silly sense of triumph spreads through me.

In answer, he hands me the tie. It's dark blue and would look good on him. Heck, anything would look good on him. I flick my hair over my shoulder, and walk towards him in my pretty silver heels.

"Finnick," I say as i reach to loop the stiff fabric around his neck, "I needed to talk to you."

"What is it,?" he asks

"I was speaking to my dad earlier, and he said..."

I trail off as the door bursts open and Addie enters, looking gorgeous in a mint green dress. It brings out the green in her eyes, and makes her hair seem to glow. She raises her eyebrows briefly in greeting to me and when she turns to do the same to Finnick, she freezes for a moment.

Only for a very very brief moment, and she says "Hello Finnick". But I catch that, and grin in amusement involuntarily.

"Hey Adds." Finnick says normally.

I step away from Finnick, drawing my arms back from his neck, and toss the tie to Addie.

"Is Mom calling me?" I ask her.


"Oh, she is? I've got to go then. Fix Finnick's tie for him would you?"

Addie blinks. "But..., um okay I'll do that. Sure." she says uncertainly.

"You look gorgeous by the way," I tell her, "Right, Finnick?"

Finnick grins, "Certainly."

Addie tries not to blush.

"See you" I say and stalk off, the silly feeling of triumph growing larger.


Dinner was splendid, (obviously). But that wasn't the highlight. My grandmother was. She is a doctor at the best hospital in the entire Panem. The strange thing that I notice, is that she keeps looking to me and smiles. I of course, smile back. My grandmother lives primarily in the Capitol. She does come to visit us, but very rarely. Even when she did, the would only stay for some time, as our house reminded her too much of Aunt Prim, something she couldn't stand.

Mrs. Everdeen also loves being around Mom. I can see it. The maternal love that radiates off her is so pure and so much, that I wonder how Mom seems not to catch the intensity of it.

The whole conversation revolves around Mom's younger days, especially those incidents including my grandmother. Mrs. Everdeen genuinely seems like a nice person. To me and Sam she seems extra nice.

"Your dress is beautiful, Lilian." she says, her old face filled with warmth.

"Thank you,"

"Sam looks like Peeta, don't you think?" Effie trills, flicking one of Sam's blond curl.

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